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Ik i said no target but at least don't go below 45 votes (┬┬﹏┬┬)

Namjoon and Hoseok were punished in the morning and now it was almost time for dinner and the wounded baby was still left unattended in his room . Namjoon did check up on his hyung quite a lot many times , in fact , he insisted on staying there too and treat his hyung but Hoeok was quick to decline all the help that was thrown his way by saying " That he deserved this for disappointing his hyungs and won't treat the wounds unless Yoongi comes and treat it by himself "

The whole day Hoseok just did two things either he anticipated every knock on his door by his Yoongi hyung or send back Namjoon who was the person knocking on his room . When it was past 10 p.m and Yoongi still didn't come , hoseok lost his hopes and dozed off . The crying and beating made him more than just tired .

On the other hand , it was not like Yoongi enjoyed giving his brother silent treatment after such a harsh punishment . He kept himself isolated the whole day , trynna sort out the messed-up things in his mind not realising how his actions drove Hoseok to insanity .

But that was all until Yoongi could hear some loud banging noises followed by some painful cries . With his caring instincts kicking in , he flung open the door and embraced the person in his arms as securely and warmly as he could .

It was decidedly Hosoek who woke up with a terrible nightmare or night terror one may say in the case , where his both hyungs were beating him with burning hot iron rods and then left him in the middle of the forest tied up with a tree . The tiredness and stress made the string between reality and dream almost faded for him and he really started to think all this was true . So the only thing he wanted to do at the moment was to go to his hyungs and apologize to them . And then here he was .

Yoongi well accustomed how to deal with nightmares because of Jackson , didn't lose his calm, and first shut the door making the environment cozy and intimate .

Yoongi : Shh buddy calm down for hyung , okay ? And then tell what happened . Hyung is here only .

Hosoek started speaking more like blabbering about the nightmare though yoongi could only figure out a few words because of how incoherent and unstable the younger's voice was but one thing he understood for sure was that the younger dreamt of something like him punishing him and leaving somewhere in forest .

Then Hoseok started narrating about the undesirable emotions he went through after the punishment .

Hoseok : Hy...hyung i won't talk to y...you . You left m...me just like that . In fr...front of me only y...you treated Namjoon with so mu...much gentleness and affection a..and then m...me ? you le...left me just like that . It hu...hurted a lot hyung . Plwease for-forgive me . I wo...would never repeat it .

Yoongi : I know you are sorry my sunshine but what you did was very wrong wasn't it ? Getting a small cute nod in response he continued speaking . So wasn't the punishment justified ?

Hoseok of course shook his head , not liking the idea of not being babied and pampered after a heavy punishment .

Hoseok : The physical one was but not the emotional one . H...how could y..you ignore me ju...just like that , huh ?

Yoongi : It was important for both of us baby , do you know how worried and scared I was when I saw you smoking ? I lost my all senses seeing that fatal thing in your hand . And I needed time to clear up my mind a bit and not hurt you more and you needed some time in isolation too , so that you could get some guilt built up in you and think about your actions deeply .

Hosoek though understood his hyung's point but still pouty about one thing " You think that worked ? I didn't even get the I of isolation as your other punished brother kept barging in my room "

Yoongi laughed at the cute tantrums coming out of his brother but then thought not to keep the younger in delusion and revealed one more thing .

Yoongi : And don't think i forgave you because of the nightmare . You still aren't forgiven ?

Hosoek sadly looked at his hyung , he was expecting his hyung to treat his burning heart and wounds now and take care of him .

Hosoek : Means you will still continue ignoring me and not even aid my injuries ?

Yoongi : Nope not the silent treatment but you will have to prove that you will take care of your health from now WAIT treat your wounds ? You still didn't treat them ? The late realsiation hitting him a little too late than usual .

Hoseok shook his head in denial , scared by the angry shout of his hyung's voice .

Yoongi : And why so ? Enlighten me young men .

Hosoek : I was waiting for you to treat them and and . he didn't continue further playing with his own fingers finding them too interesting plus finding the sentence too embarrassing to continue .

Yoongi knew what his brother wanted to speak and not missing the chance the tease him he spoke " And be pampered and spoiled ? " the teasing smirk still evident .

{ Not everyone will get the context , but does someone remember a similar incident ? Ha ha that was literally so embarrassing istg }

Hoseok just blushed in response and then yoongi placed him on the bed , treating the littred bits of purple and blue over his well carved legs .

Yoongi : I am sorry too baby , I shouldn't have asked you to leave just like that . I should have thought about your thought process too , like how you would feel being unattended just like that when we took care of Namjoon right in front of you . Will you forgive hyung for that ?

Hoseok : Only on one condition , if you promise to carry me all around until my wounds are healed .

Yoongi : Of course baby .

The duo slept cuddling each other , and as the younger was expecting he was more than spoiled by his hyung . He would carry him all around , teach him to play piano , watch movies with him and very more special and cute moments which they both shared .

Though both of them knew that hoseok was forgiven by yoongi but he didn't fail to impress yoongi in proving that he would take care of his health .

Everything was happy and good to go but that was probably superficial as very soon Namjoon got a call from a parent from the college.

Sorry for the late update and How's it ?

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