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Minho took a moment before speaking, " Bear , who is Jungkook to you ?" "Umm my brother !" Spoke Taehyung rather confused , not about Jungkook being his brother but about why Minho was asking about this to him now . "And?" continued Minho , " My only younger brother " replied Taehyung.

" Hmm , you are right . So was it correct to blame him like this ? Hurt him for so many years ? That too when it wasn't even his fault . Was it fair, Tae? Tell me " Spoke Minho , as Taehyung now understood where this was going he looked away in guilt tears brimming in his eyes thinking about all the past moments where he hurt Jungkook both emotionally and physically , they had been on a path of healing for the past few months, but the raw emotions were still near the surface, and this conversation was like a salt over the wound .

Jungkook, trying to hold back his own emotions, whispered, "It wasn't just the blame, hyung. It was the coldness, the distrust, the hate . "

The quietness of the room , made both Minho and Taehyung hear the words of younger . Taehyung gently held Jungkook, letting him pour out his emotions and pain . After which both of them went towards Minho with a kicked puppy-like face and he was quick to hug both of them and just be at peace , at ease after being with his brothers . He then continued carrying both of the sleeping babies with him to his room and slept peacefully with them in his arms .

The next week followed a little calmly , Minho had issued a clear directive: no one was to enter Jin's room while he was conscious. Jin's trauma from the incident with Yoongi was evident. Merely catching a glimpse of Yoongi was enough to trigger a panic attack, and about the others he still couldn't bring himself to look into their eyes or at least even talk to them and so for the past week all of them were stopped from going to Jin's room when he was awake .

Everyone respected his boundary but the feeling of such ignorance wasn't something they appreciated , their father like hyung wasn't even in a condition to look at them at all . All because of their foolishness .

With Jin , he had started opening up a bit about the condition of his legs , he had already forgiven the Trio for hiding the truth from him and the latter promised to take him to the best therapies and get him his legs back . In the meantime, Jin was able to convince them to allow him to use a wheelchair rather than placing the weight of his body on them. He didn't wish to be a burden.

It all appeared very good , On the surface, everything appeared to be mending; But there was one thing happening , away from the eyes of everyone . However , Kai was quick to catch upon it . Over the past week, he observed a peculiar pattern: Minho and Yoongi would separately leave the house, each returning precisely two hours later. Though they would leave and come back at different times Kai couldn't help but be a little suspicious about the two . After all , he knew about the promise .

But as things were going well and smooth , he just let them be with the flow . Yoongi on the other side , was still trying to cope with his unheard feelings . He wanted his Jin hyung , to hold him , to love him , to assure him that everything would be fine and they all would be soon together just like in the old times . Though Minho had heard his side too , but it just wasn't what he wanted . No one could replace his hyung and no one could understand him better than his hyung . He wanted to just feel his hyung now and be safe in his arms . He yearned for his hyung , because it was only in Jin's arms that he felt safe and understood .

Compelled by his emotions, Yoongi found himself impulsively attempting to sneak into Jin's room. To say he was desperate might be an understatement; for him, it felt like a matter of do or die . His patience was wearing thin, and his emotions threatened to overwhelm him. Only his hyung had the ability to stabilize the storm raging within him leading him to sneak in the room where Jin was sleeping calmly away from any problems of the world .

For a good ten minutes , Yoongi tenderly sat beside Jin , softly caressing his hair and admiring his face , he still held the glow on his face despite it being filled with bruises , the glow enough to calm his heart at fire . Finally getting to see him after such a long time was blissful . Yoongi just wanted to jump onto Jin and pepper his face with kisses . Though minding his hyung's injured body he held onto the urge of jumping on him but still couldn't help but leave a few kisses all over Jin's face . Unknown to him , the action broke Jin's sleep as he woke up startled seeing Yoongi this near to him .

Jin felt helpless and trapped . Yoongi was this close to him , he was alone , he couldn't move , he couldn't escape . The only thing he could do was shout for help .

" HYUNG ... CO-COME please ... Get away FR-FROM ME ! Don't co-come closer ...please " Tears non stop fell from Jin's eyes as he was so close to get a panic attack . Namjoon who had only went to the washroom rushed out with half done clothes and rushed off to Jin .

Minho who had also come in straight away slapped Yoongi hardly , who was just too shocked . Minho didn't stop there as anger filled inside him seeing how bluntly Yoongi had disobeyed his orders which almost let JIn into another panic attack , something not at all good for his recovery . Minho's anger came out as words as he spoke " Eomma appa shouldn't have adopted a dirty blood like you ."

Double update , right ?

How's it ? What do you think is gonna happen between Minho and Yoongi and where were they both going ?
And can you all please at least do 75 votes ? I miss when it would go 80 + so much 😭😭🤧🤧🤧

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