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No target for this one but complete on the last one , okie ?

Jin opened the room of his door just to meet with a person jumping on him .

Jin : Namjoon baby easy , we both could have fell . What happened ? Does it pain anywhere .

He kept asking questions from the sobbing boy being all concerned but he just wanted to hug his hyung at the moment and nothing more .

Namjoon : Just wanna hug you please hyungie , nothing else . Jin was quick to understand what he meant and stopped his questionarrie , hugging the boy even closer to him .

When he could feel Namjoon had calmed down and was almost close to sleep he settled him on the bed making sure he wouldn't sleep before talking it all out .

Jin : No sleeping before you tell me what happened baby , Is it because of the beach incident ? Namjoon slowly nodded his head in agreement , eyes almost closed because of the sleepiness .

Jin : What happened baby ? Tell hyung , hmm ? Namjoon didn't say much just muttered " Seokie hyung "

Jin : Baby I really am not understanding what you are saying , please explain to Hyung in a little bit more detail. Jin pleaded and then Namjoon started narrating how he felt about the whole incident , he wasn't crying because of the encounter earlier with his dreaded phobia but because of the pain, he felt knowing his hyung didn't remember such an important thing about him . Why did he even pull him in the first place when he was peacefully sitting ?

Jin didn't have much to say for the younger's consolation as it was clearly Hoseok's fault and nothing could be said in his favor but still, he was able to stop him from crying and make his face a little lighter shade of red then the earlier one because of all crying . He looked cute tho .

Jin : I will talk to hosoek about it , okay ?

Namjoon immediately shook his head and spoke " Please no , I will take my revenge on him" the evil smirk pretty evident lingering on his face .

Jin : Ahh my naughty baby , sleep now .

Namjoon looked up at him with innocent eyes and asked " Here " ?

Jin : Yes baby here .

The next day Hoseok tried numerous ways to talk to the younger but namjoon was stuck to his plan of revenge firmly . The others kinda enjoyed the whole drama which continued for 4 more days as it was a rare sight for Hoseok to be all whiny and namjoon to be all pouty and grumpy , that was something reserved for the three youngest . So they enjoyed it while it lasted , except for Hoseok who of course didn't enjoy it even a bit .

That was until on the 5th day Namjoon saw his hyung crying in his room as he was walking to his own room But why was smoke emitting instead of tears then ?

On taking a closer look he realized his hyung was smoking .

Namjoon : What the hell hyung , why are you smoking . he shouted not able to contain his anger . Seeing his brother finally talking to him even though it was just some shouts hoseok broke down completely .

Hoseok : I am so so...sorry joon please forgive m...me . I didn't .... mean t...to . Pl...please hear me out o...once .

Namjoon rubbed circles on his arms to calm him down , well it was his habit since childhood because among him and hoseok , hoseok was the more emotional one and Nmajoon had excellenced the art of calming him when Jin wasn't around .

Namjoon : Uk we both are same , we start crying before saying the actual thing . And I am here only to hear you out and don't think I forget about the cigarette thing .

Hoseok gave out a nervous smile at that and started telling about his perspective .

Hoseok : I know what happened yesterday was solely my fault and carelessness but I really didn't mean it . I saw you sitting there looking at us and remembered how u said you want to have a better twin bond so I thought that would be a good start but because of the rush of the moment I totally forgot about your phobia . Will you please forgive your hyung ?

Namjoon remained silent for a moment making Hosoek rethink all the things he did but then finally spoke " It's okiee hyung but I will forgive you only if you do the things I ask you to . "

Hosoek didn't realize what he was getting himself into , pretty desperate at the moment to gain his brother's forgiveness by hook or crook .

Hoseok : Of course I will , tell me what you want me to do . Ohh how he missed the sly smirk oh his twin's face .

Namjoon : Ohh then remember the files which I have to prepare for the college . hoseok nodded still not realising where this was going . Yeah so you will complete them for me .

And goshh the reaction of hoseok " You mean the big stack of those 11 files ? " he asked while extending his hands as much as he could to express the height of the files when they would be bundled up together .

Namjoon : Yes yes hyung , those files only . And now you can't back off , plus you will take me for a drive as well and then ice cream .

Hoseok : You are a evil koala you know . I will take my revenge , for now get ready .

Namjoon : It's okiee I will go in these clothes only , the earlier we leave the more we can roam around , right ?

He kept laughing , while an angry hosoek left stomping his feets to bring the keys .

They were in the car enjoying the view with the soft music when Namjoon remembered about the smoking incident .

Namjoon : Hyung . Hoseok hummed in response . Why were you smoking earlier and how long have you been doing it ?

One could see sweat beads already starting to form on his forehead despite the cold weather plus the ac .

Hoseok : Ohh that was because I was stressed as you weren't talking to me and I promise today was the first time I smoked and it will be last too . he lied .

Nmajoon : Okay hyung I believe you , don't worry I won't tell it to hyungs but don't do it again okay ? Promise me .

Hoseok : Promise baby .

Again that too was until when after a week someone else other than Namjoon caught him smoking and he confessed the actual reason .

I finally published the Namjoon X BTS oneshot book , check it if you like reading short stories too .

And yeahhh we completed 50 chapters now

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