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Minho and Kai, desperate to help and get Jin out of all this agony as soon as possible , rose swiftly , reaching for the rods nearby to break away the wax . Given the quantity that had been poured and the time it had been left to set, it had hardened almost as unforgivingly as cement, which left them with just one option .

Heat the wax so that it eventually melts away .

Their hearts sank as the realization hit them, the implications as clear as day. Their only remaining option was to apply heat, allowing Jin to be freed. But the very thought of it was unbearable. The heat to melt the wax would risk severe burns to Jin's already tortured legs. The dilemma was cruel - to free Jin, they would have to inflict further pain. Both Minho and Kai searched each other's eyes for answers while Namjoon continued crying seeing his hyung and blaming just one person " Kim Yoongi " or probably " Choi Yoongi " , knowing that none of them wanted to subject Jin to even a fraction more suffering.

" We need t...to melt t..the wax " muttered Minho with fear engulfing him .

Swallowing the emotions threatening to overcome , Kai acted in the most sensible way possible with such a messed up mind , pulling out his lighter. He approached the wax, his hand shaking just slightly . The flame, though small, was targeted and precise. The heat it emitted was of course pretty less , a deliberate choice to prevent causing Jin more harm.

But at last, it worked !!

Slowly, the wax responded. The top layer began to glisten, then liquefy, before dripping away from Jin's leg.

The scene was strangely poetic, like ice surrendering to the first rays of the sun.

Just like Jin surrendered to his fate, leaving behind the rays of hope .

" Hold his hands carefully " Shouted Kai towards Minho and Namjoon .

Without wasting any more time , they all rushed to the hospital . Kai held Jin in his arms with a gentleness that defied words. The delicate curve of Jin's face rested against Kai's chest, listening to the reassuring heartbeat that told him he wasn't alone even though he was already in deep black slumber fighting the forever darkness . Every move Kai made was with an overwhelming tenderness, carrying Jin as if he were a delicate porcelain figure. The way he adjusted Jin's head on his shoulder , everything screamed of the years of desperation . He made sure to match the pace of Minho and Namjoon as they held his lover's hands nailed along the armrest making sure the weight of the armrest wouldn't strain Jin's hand even by 0.1 percent .

The drive to the hospital was long yet quick because of how insanely fast Kai had drove . If it were for some other time , Namjoon was sure he would crack a joke and say " Please don't drive us to the hospital bed hyung "

Fortunately or unfortunately , was still unclear but the hospital they rushed into was none other than the one owned by Jin himself. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on the trio. finding Taehyung over there was a high probability . Namjoon was already fueled enough against his brothers after what they did to Jin . Others might have forgotten or overlooked the fact of how hard Jin had worked for them , how he sacrificed everything for them . But Namjoon , he could never forget the sad tired face of his hyung , every night after returning from work very unlike his friends who were busy partying and enjoying their teenage and college life . But Jin, with his unwavering sense of responsibility, chose a different path. He'd always put them first, even at the cost of his own happiness and well-being. And for Namjoon, that was something that could neither be forgotten nor repaid.

The moment the operation theatre doors swallowed Jin from their sight, the dam holding back Namjoon's emotions shattered. His fury turned to searing pain. He collapsed , finding himself caught in the protective embrace of Minho and Kai, their arms offering support . Namjoon's heart and mind were overwhelmingly occupied by one singular presence: his cherished Jin hyung. The happiness of finding that his Minho Hyung was alive didn't even get the chance to make a space in his mind which was filled with just his Jin hyung . " He will b...be fine r..right ?" meekly questioned Namjoon , getting just a painful stare in return .

Hidden behind the wall, Taehyung witnessed it all, each moment weighing heavily on his conscience. In the span of a mere five minutes, the world had changed, presenting scenes he could never have imagined . The sight of Minho who was till now dead , racing with a bleeding Jin, was a nightmarish vision he'd never expected to confront in the harsh light of day. And even if his mind played tricks on him, which it surely wasn't, the harsh painful image was there: his hyung, the very person he'd wronged and hurt and humiliated deeply, limp and suffering in Kai's arms.Regret gnawed at Taehyung's heart, just like darkness gnawed at Jin's life . The painful reminder of the things he inflicted on his hyung finally settling in , making him drown in remorse and guilt .

But wasn't it already too late now ? Even if, by some grace, Jin could find it within himself to forgive Taehyung, how could he ever forgive himself? The weight of his actions pressed heavily upon him, and he grappled with the understanding that in a moment of blinding anger, he had done the unthinkable to someone he once revered as a guiding light.

"Hyung , Ji...jinnie hyung he blood he w...was in hospital blood ..... lot's of bl...blood hyung .... he wasn't he " cried Taehyung helplessly in the arms of Yoongi who could barely understand anything . His anger and hatred for Jin had calmed down but definitely not gone , the intensity still the same if not more or less . After gaining his composure and speaking out some comprehendable words , Taehyung explained the whole situation to Yoongi painting a vivid picture of the tragedy that had befallen Jin.

However, the reaction from the latter was something he didn't anticipate at all .

Umm tell me one thing , Is the story going slow or something ? If yes then please tell me , I won't make it this much descriptive .

Till then guess the reason why Jin broke up with Kai , that will be revealed soon too !!

Love ya !!

And 75 votes ? Or umm maybe 80 ?

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