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Yoongi had seen hoseok smoking in his room and it was almost a week since Namjoon caught him . Now here he was standing in the middle of the room with his head hung down because of guilt and feeling ashamed .
While Namjoon and seokjin gawped at him with disappointed eyes along with a glaring yoongi .

Yoongi : Why were you smoking Kim hoseok . Voice so cold and stern that one could feel shivers in their whole body . When hoseok didn't respond yoongi repeated his words this time in even a more intimidating tone .
Yoongi : I asked you something and i expect an answer in return Hoseok .

Hosoek didn't like how his hyung was calling him Hoseok , very unlikely of him but of course couldn't leave the older without replying .
Hoseok : I am really sorry for my actions hyung .

Before Yoongi could revert to the response Namjoon already revealed something which added fuel to the already burning flames .

Namjoon : Hyung the other day you promised me that it was the first and last time you smoked . Then why this ?
Betrayal and deception evidently lingering in his voice .

Jin who was quite till now finally intervened and spoke " What do you mean Namjoon ?"

Namjoon narrated them the incident , he was angry at his hyung for breaking his promise and lying to him . Even though he himself decided to not tell his hyungs about it but now that the truth was in front of them , he didn't wanna hide the unknown parts for longer time .

Jin didn't react much though just asked one question .
Jin : How long ? Hosoek didn't have the courage to even keep his head at normal posture " Around 2 weeks hyung "

Jin : And when did Namjoon get to know about it ?

Hoseok : A week back .

Now the anger of the two hyungs was equally deviated to the two twins . One who at least had the idea of what he did and one who was still clueless .

Yoongi : Namjoon why didn't you tell us about this .
This was totally unexpected for him , he didn't think he could get in trouble too .

Namjoon : Ermmm hyung i actually thought to

Jin : Thought to not tell you and save hoseok , right ? jin completed the sentence for him and the latter nodded in agreement .

Jin : And what did it lead to ?

Namjoon : Umm both of us in trouble ? He told more like asked .

Yoongi : You are asking us or telling us ? Anyways hoseok why did you do it , and just answer this no damn extra info should be spoken , GOT IT ?

Hoseok scardely nodded and started speaking about the things that had been troubling him .

Hoseok : Hyung I sincerely apologise but i didn't mean to do it at all . I would never dare to touch something so hazardous but it all was so overwhelming that i didn't know what to do .

Jin : Shh easy , what was overwhelming?

Hoseok : Hyugiiee they all are mean , they say I am not a good teacher and that i can't ev...even teach a toddler then how can I teach students in th...their graduation level . They said I am a professor ju...just be...because of my brother be...being the principal. It's n...not true right , hyung ? I am n...not a bad teacher right ?

By now he was full on sobbing hugging his both hyungs as tight as possible while Namjoon just witnessed it all thinking why didn't he realise it when he spends most of the time in a day with his seokie hyung only in the college .

Though the older of the twin was crying pretty hysterically, he could compose himself without much consoling because now all he wanted was to get over his punishment fast and then just cuddle up his hyungs who seemed pretty much angry and disappointed in him .

Jin : Who said all this hoseok ah ? And why didn't you tell us .

Hoseok : Hyung it's one of the parents of my students. Their child suddenly started losing marks and they blamed it on me .

Yoongi : Hosoek we all know you won't smoke for just this much , tell the other part too without any misleading .

Hoseok nodding his head , continued " Hyung first it was just normal teacher to parent talk but then I started receiving messages from there end that they will file a case against our college being built on illegal land if i don't give their child full marks in the next exam . The father is the judge at the national court , i knew he had the authority and capability to do so . I didn't want to ruin years of mine and Namjoon's hardwork and i just couldn't give that student full marks and be unfair to other students . It w...was all too mu...much hyung .

Jin : And why didn't you tell us about it .

Hosoek : Hyung it started the day when jungkook got attacked and among all the chaos and tension I couldn't tell it afterwards we were busy in appa's funeral and then the beach thingy .

Hoseok tried his best to not mention any incident related to his jin hyung , as he knew how the older will take it to his heart and again start blaming himself . The older was still not over the self-blaming phase and the others understood that pretty well .

Yoongi : That still doesn't justify that you could smoke . Does smoking look like a healthy option to you to cope up with things and stress, huh ?

Hosoek : hyung I know it and I am really not trying to justify my actions but it was just too overwhelming to bear.

Yoongi was angry, decepted , disappointed , hurt, and what not all other tragic emotions because of the younger's choice of actions . He had to be punished that was forsho but he won't let anyone take the lead on that and on cue as the two oldest always understood each other the best Jin told how Hoseok would be punished in the same manner yoongi wanted .

Don't get yoongi wrong he of course loveS his brothers far more than one could imagine by observing his actions and behaviour towards them but to him nothing was imp than their safety and health and you expect him to not be furious when his brother did one of the most fatal things in the world , sure just for 2 weeks but you never know when it becomes addiction .
Jin : Yoongi you will punish Hoseok and I will punish Namjoon , in the same room at the same time . They should learn to face the consequences .

Namjoon : Hyung why me ? I didn't do anything.

Yoongi : Exactly you didn't do anything, that's the problem . You should have told us about this the same day you saw him smoking .

Jin : And now go and change into shorts within 5 minutes if you don't want me to call the maknaes too and see you guys getting punished

Do you think they will be able to earn their two eldest hyung's forgiveness easily ? Especially hoseok.

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