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Everyone was deep in a peaceful slumber , except for two . Namjoon and Yoongi, Namjoon because of the constant ticklish feeling on his hand, and Yoongi because he was just thinking about how Jin is gonna digest all this .

Namjoon slowly poked his hyung's arms who seemed pretty busy in probably thinking a way to prove Newton wrong , I mean he looked that serious , thought Namjoon .

Giving the sharpest glare one could manage to give from such an small pair of eyes Yoongi spoke " What is it Namjoon ah , I hope it isn't something crazy again . Why are all genius people so crazy "

Namjoon made weird expressions in disapproval as he couldn't risk whining and waking up his KING JINNIE .

Namjoon : Hyung first of all I am not crazy , second of all thanks for calling me a genius and third of all I have an idea . Yoongi looked least bothered by all of it and just gave him a punctured look to resume with . I think we should give pacifier to Hyung instead , I don't be of the opinion of letting hyung literally suck my harm , that can cause infection .

Yoongi was literally spooked by the eerie thoughts of the younger , does he really have a death wish ? Was not a onesie enough that now he is saying to make their hyung use a pacifier , a freaking pacifier . With wide eyes still almost out of the sockets , he turned towards the younger who was looking him with a very innocent smile with a pair of deep dimples settled on corners of his cheeks .

Yoongi : Namjoon my baby brother I know , after cooking and getting injured somehow your brain has been affected too but baby it's okay , we don't give up our will to live for such an trivial thing right ? Hyung will take you to therapy , okay ? Now sleep , do you want me to sing a lullaby for you ? .

Namjoon couldn't control his whining now , his hyung was being too much .

Namjoon : Yahhh hyunggggggggg , what is this ? I am being serious right now and you are joking .

Yoongi looked at his brother who definitely didn't wanna see his hair grey . with a very significant expression that he was serious " Namjoon I am not joking , I seriously don't understand why you wanna die so early . You want to put pacifier in hyung's mouth . Do you realise what will happen to you if hyung gets to know about it . "

Namjoon surely behaved like a literal cute dumpling some time but he was probably the most mature one after the eldest , even Yoongi could not handle things that clamly and maturely . The register of his hyung's voice pushed him to a pit of analysing about his previous words .

Namjoon : Hyung I know hyung might get angry , but it's not hygenic or healthy for hyung .

Yoongi : I understand your concern joon , but we know hyung won't like it . And we have no consent from hyung for all this , sure he is our brother but consent ain't a trivial thing .

Namjoon : Do you take my consent before punsihing me , huh ? He mumbled to himself and was glad Yoongi didn't hear it but maybe he did but decided to ignore it because of how cute the younger looked with that cute tiny put lingering through his lips .

Yoongi : Do you want to do somehting which will make hyung so self conscious that he would even feel shy in coming in front of us . He is our eldest hyung , and after taking care of us from all past years he has now tendecy to just do that and moreover he wouldn't even appericiate the fact that he slipped in front of us , didn't you notice how Jinnie was scared when you first came to him .

Yoongi explained like an sincere , responsible brother and Namjoon's smart brain could gulp up the knowledge in a reaosnbale time .

Namjoon : You are right hyung , I just took some hasty steps . I shouldn't have even bought the onesie and pacifier at first place . It would have just made him more flustered .

But hyugnieeee you know you are so sweet so considerate . Yooongi knew where this was going . So you will save me from hyung right .

Yoongi shook his head in denial with a evil smirk on his face , Namjoon was ready to throw tantrums when again an intense idea came to his brain .

Namjoon : We can change hyung's cloth right now only , he would not even know . And I promise I will apologise later and he didn't get to complete his sentence when they heard muffle cries .

Jin : Pl...plwease leabe jinnie h...he sowry . No hwrt pl...plwease wann dada .

He kept blurting out few another set of incohernet words which probably no one could comprehend , But the word dada caught hoseok's attention who was now awake along with the other brothers . Though they were sleepign very contentedly in clasp of each other but even the slightest voice of discomfort from their hyung made them wide awake .

Yoongi was trying to rock Jin in a bear hug to subtle his cries , constantly running his slender fingers through his hyung's smooth hair . It was probably a nightmare but still who was hurting their hyung . Hoseok who had earlier catched upon the word " Dada " asked " What does hyung mean by dada ? Is he missing appa in little space , but was not it because of him that he got little space at first place "

Namjoon who of coruse knew about it spoke " No hyung , it is a term littles use for their caregiver and I don't think it would be appa ."

Yoongi who had by now calmed down the whimpering Jinnie spoke " I don't know why but I feel hyung might had a caregiver earlier "

Jimin : Who it could be ? Kai hyung ? He was the only person whom hyung dated .

Jungkook : It could be Minho hyung too , hyung was always a little baby infront of him .

Taehyung who was quite till now spoke " Should we call Kai hyung ? I think he can help "

Yoongi was done with it now , why were his brothers so adamant to Make his already troubled hyung more distressed by doing things he won't like in normal self at all .

Yoongi : I don't undrstand why you all are trying to come up with things that Jin hyung won't like at all . We all know that hyung and Kai hyung have broken up years ago , do you think even if Kai hyung is the dada person hyung was referring to earlier , big jin would like meeting jin in such an vulnerbale and peril state ? No right ? And fine even if he could have been an help , we have no way to contact him .

Taehyung who was a bit scared by the outlash , accumulated the tiny tiny pieces of courage and told

" I have Sehun's nu..nu...number , w...we could a...ask fr...from h...him "

Whom do you think he is ? Ahh I love intoducing new characters so much and I hadn't done that in a while . Pheww

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