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The room fell into silence as Minho walked towards Jin with the knife in hand, his expression dark and menacing. Yoongi knew he had to act quickly to protect Jin , he wouldn't let a single scratch come on his hyung now . He would protect him . At any cost !

Yoongi lunged towards  Jin , taking the hit upon him. His voice a mix of anger and pain " I-I won't let y-you hurt him ... " stuttred Yoongi still trying to maintain his composure as the blade sank into his thigh, causing excruciating pain. He gritted his teeth, determined to keep Minho away from his brother. Everyone was in hysterics , despite hearing just now about all the cruel acts of Minho , they all still didn't expect him to go as far as hurting their hyung right in front of them . The younger's were boiling in anger . Their hyungs had always been a shield for them . Protecting them from everything , it was their turn now . Their hyungs needed them !

As Yoongi grunted in pain, struggling to hold back Minho and protect Jin, the room was filled with a mix of terror and anger. "Yoongi!" Jin cried, paralyzed with terror not being able to do anything to protect his kitten . His younger brothers could feel his helplessness, and it ignited a furious determination within them.

Namjoon and Hosoek, filled with rage, faces twisted with anger, reacted swiftly. They pounced on Minho, their voices laced with fury. Hoseok shouted "You son of a bitch!" as he and Namjoon struggled to get Minho's hand off the knife . They had to be extra careful as they couldn't afford Minho to have even the slightest hold over the knife which was deeply buried in Yoongi's thigh seeping the blood out . It would just cause their hyung more pain .

It wasn't an easy tuff , Minho built and trained as a mafia was a lot stronger but the fury fueling Namjoon and Hosoek was a lot too . The two elders despite being in pain had a slightly different reaction to all of it . 

Amidst the chaos, Yoongi's pain, and struggle, he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and gratitude toward his younger brothers. They were stepping up, protecting their own, just as he and Jin had always done for them. Jin, though overwhelmed by guilt and fear, couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope as he watched his family come together. Maybe god closed one gate for them , but definitely didn't delay in opening the second one . 

Namjoon and Hoseok were successful in getting Minho's hand off the knife and holding him in a bruising grip . Jungkook along with Taehyung , rushed to aid Yoongi's bleeding thigh who was now seated across Jin's numb legs . However, all the actions were halted when Jin spoke " Do whatever you want with him ! Just  don't kill him " His voice chilly and threatening . Hosoek and Namjoon took upon the cue as along with Sehun they left to keep Minho in the basement for now . Kai out of instinct , scared for their safety followed them but stopped mid-way as he could hear his name being called " Kai , meet me in my room after an hour !"The voice Jin had used , made him scared to his core . He didn't understand the sudden change in Jin , however nodded and left as Jin continued " Taheyung give me the first aid, and then you all leave !" Now even Yoongi was a bit scared of his hyung . For the first time, he couldn't understand what was going on in his hyung's mind . As all the orders of Jin were followed , leaving just the two of them in the room , Jin spoke " Can you try sitting on the bed ?" He questioned soflty , opposite of his demeanor just a moment ago as even though the bandages were off his hands they still weren't that mobile and he could do close to zero help to settle Yoongi over the bed . 

Yoongi with a hiss but nodded in approval and slowly with the support of the bed and Jin's wheelchair settled himself over the bed . Jin then helped him to take off his pants .

Jin's demeanor had shifted once again, from icy determination to a soft concern. He carefully wheeled himself closer to the bed, his injured hands trembling slightly as he prepared to tend to Yoongi's wound. There was an unspoken understanding that something had changed within Jin, something that went beyond the events of the past few minutes.As Jin started to clean Yoongi's wound, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of guilt and anger. Guilt for not being able to protect Yoongi, and anger at himself for failing to protect his brothers just like always . 

The fact that , Yoongi sacrificed his whole life , his whole childhood , his parents , and his family just to be with him and protect him . And in return, he couldn't even keep Yoongi safe. Tears welled up in Jin's eyes, but he blinked them back, refusing to let them fall. He couldn't afford to break down in front of Yoongi, not now! His hands moved with a gentleness that contrasted with the fury and determination he had displayed just moments ago. Yoongi winced as Jin cleaned the wound, but he knew better than to complain. He could see the turmoil in Jin's eyes, and it made him realize that something had changed in his hyung . Jin had always been the nurturing and protective figure in their lives, and now, it seemed that something had wavered inside him . 

He just hoped he wouldn't lose his hyung ! 
The hyung who was always there to protect him , to cradle him, to love him and simply be there for him . He wanted to lose none of that . None! 

"Hyunggg " Yoongi finally spoke, his voice filled with both pain and understanding. Jin hummed in response , his full concentration on Yoongi's thigh as he professionally treated it . " It wasn't your fault hyung ... See I am all good " spoke Yoongi as he tried swaying his legs to show that he really wasn't hurt anywhere . Jin didn't say much and nodded muttering a small " Good " . Yoongi irritated by the lack of attention from Jin whined and again spoke " Yahhh hyunggg , listen to me !" As Yoongi whined and tried to capture Jin's attention, Jin reluctantly looked up from the task at hand, his eyes meeting Yoongi's with a mix of concern and gratitude.

Yoongi's determination to make Jin understand that he wasn't to blame for what had happened was evident in his eyes and the urgency in his voice. "Hyung, I mean it... This isn't your fault," Yoongi emphasized, his hand reaching out to gently touch Jin's cheek. Jin just hummed again and spoke " Hmm ... Now sleep . You need rest " his gaze locking onto Yoongi's hand on his cheek. The touch was reassuring, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for his younger brother. 

" Meanie , you will leave your kitty here ?" Questioned Yoongi , finally succeeding in bringing a small smile to Jin's face .  Jin couldn't help but smile at Yoongi's playful response, despite the pain and the heaviness that still lingered in the room. He understood that the best way to reassure Yoongi was to show a sense of normalcy, even amid turmoil. Jin nodded as he motioned Yoongi to carry him shifting slightly in his wheelchair, making it easier for Yoongi to lift him into a more comfortable position on the bed. He felt like even though Yoongi was injured , yet the one being taken cared of was him .

They both lay there , sharing nothing but silence . Once Jin was sure that Yoongi was asleep he finally mustered up courage , tracing the outline of Yoongi's face, and spoke " My kitty . I love you so much... Don't y-you regret ruining your life for someone l-like me ?" 

Yoongi didn't shift or move from his place at all and just muttered  " I love you hyung ... The only thing I regret is hurting you."

" Did you know about Minho , kai ?" Questioned Jin , his eyes holding anger rather than love !

How's it ? How do you think Jin's personality will alter or react because of all this ? 

80 votes and at least 20 comments for the next chapter ! Where were they in the last chapter , huh ? 

And tell me why don't u all vote🤧 . Is 80 votes on like 600 views a very big task ? No right ???? 

Love u all though !! 

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