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A loud sound echoed in the mansion which definitely indicated a very harsh slap . Enough to gather everyone in the house at the epicenter of the sound of the painful blow .

Jin in a blink of an eye separated Namjoon who was ready to blow another slap or maybe punch Kook's face .

Jin : Namjoon what the hell ? Why are you slapping him ? fierceness dripping through his voice , one hand pointing towards Namjoon while with the other hand he securely held jungkook protecting him from Namjoon .

Namjoon : Hyung don't ask me , ask this brat what he did . Me and hoseok hyung took leave just for some days from college and then here your brother has the audacity to do something so cruel and inhuman .

Jin : What did he do and did you even ask him about it or just jumped on conclusions ?

Namjoon : I didn't ask him but I can assure you I didn't directly jump on conclusions . I rechecked each and every proof of his stupidity and childishness

Jin : Baby look at me and tell to hyung about it , hmm ? No need to be scared and Namjoon go somewhere else until he finishes telling us about the incident .

When jungkook still didn't utter a single speech out of his mouth and Namjoon who clearly ignored the order that was given to him , spoke " Now he doesn't have the courage to face the truth . I will tell you everything and please no one should interrupt me mid way "

By all he definitely meant his hyungs too who were quick to shut their mouth and listen to what he had to say ;.

Namjoon started telling everyone about how he got a call from a parent from the college who complained about how their daughter was left locked in a room , completely triggering her fear of dark places and not just that , also about how she was almost molested by some fuck boys of the college , thanks to the warden who was checking all the classes saw her getting harassed and saved her . The consequences of the act so intense that she ended up in hospital and still hasn't gained her conscious .

Namjoon : And do you know who was the person who locked her?

Jin : I...it wasn't m...my baby ri... right.
At the moment jin looked more hopeless and destressd than jungkook . His baby brother whom he technically raised could never do something like this . The broken voice of his hyung just made jungkook more guilty for his actions .

Namjoon : it is of course your spoiled baby hyung . Namjoon spatted the reality harshly .

Jin : No no i am su...sure you must be mistaken my baby can ne...never do something li...like this .
He frantically tried to prove his baby innocence while all jungkook could do was drown in guilt . The fact that his hyung had this much trust and believe in him and he still choose to break it was enough to make him throw up his gut or with nothing but regret and guilt .

Jin : Namjoon is lying right? I trust my brother , he can never do something like this .

Jungkook couldn't bear this more . The infinite amount of trust his hyung still had in him was making him feel like a pure piece of disgrace and disappointment .

Jungkook: I am so...sorry hyung but Joonie hy...hyung ain't lying . I did that .

Jin : Baby is someone bullying you? Are you taking the blame for someone? Tell hyung, hyung will make sure that person would never ever bother you.

Namjoon : Hyung stop trusting him and still taking his side . First I also thought it must be someone from college planning against kook but the pain and agony in her voice was enough to prove that she wasn't lying.

Jin : KIM NAMJOON YOU DON'T INTERRUPT ME IN BETWEEN . And kookie tell hyung who is bothering you , hmm ? No need to be scared.

Jungkook : Hyung I a...am so sorry f...for disappointing y....you but it was me only . I d...did it as a dare by my friend i really had no idea about her phobia or some group of boys already being in the class . Else y...you know your ko-kook right ? He would never do something like this .
You can punish me whatever way you want hyung but I am really sorry .

Namjoon : don't worry jungkook I will make sure you will be very sorry , come with me to my

He however didn't complete his sentence understanding how his hyung asked him to stop just from a mere seconds of eye contact ..

Jin : you really did it? His voice so hollow , he couldn't understand where he failed to give him you good values .

Jungkook : Hy...hyung I mean every word of it and I a...am

Jin : I just asked yes or no .

Jungkook could hear the sound ringing through his ears of his hyung's trust on him shattering into pieces just like a glass .

Jungkook: Ye...yes hy... hyung .

And then what , jungkook was on the ground holding his cheek where he was slapped previously too . Yes , for the first time Jin slapped his baby . Jungkook still couldn't digest the tatse of his hyung's slap when he was pulled up from his collar .

Jin : I failed to raise you jungkook because of you someone is in hospital . You didn't ruin your image but ruined mine about how i couldn't even shape you into a good and virtuous human .

You know what ? You will be going to the hostel maybe they can I still some values and make you sensible because i clearly failed at the job .

The earlier standing jungkook was now on his knees begging his hyung to not send him but jin had made up his mind , if not from him then by someone else but he would make sure that his brother will become a good citizen.
The begging had no effect on his outer persona which right now was being reflected by his face however his inner persona , his heart , was crying and weeping along his brother .

Jin : you will go to the college with us tomorrow and apologise to the girl's parents plus you will be working part time jobs to pay for the hospital bills.

Till that time make sure your bags will be packed because you will straight away go to the hostel .

He left the room leaving his wailing brother behind who was still on his knees begging and adjuring to not send him away from themselves .

Does this count as a double update? I guess no ? how is it tho ?

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