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On the other hand , the doctor finally came out from the operation theatre to announce the condition of Jin to everyone waiting out there for him .

"He's okay, right doctor ?" Kai directly asked with a tint of urgency in his voice.

The doctor rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, he's safe, but he's not in the best shape. I don't know where to begin with what's going on with him." Namjoon's eyes widened, and he was about to throw tons of questions when Minho put a calming hand on his shoulder, signaling him to wait. The doctor took a deep breath and continued, "Starting with his face , those bee stings did a number on him. The swelling isn't great, especially under his eyes. If it moves towards his nose, we might have to worry about his breathing. Coming to his hands , they are very badly injured . The skin might have some lasting marks, but a lot can change depending on his recovery and spirit. We've seen some surprising comebacks."

Namjoon looked down, struggling with the weight of the news. " When will Hyung wake up ? "

The doctor hesitated for a moment, "Look, it's hard to pin down an exact time. Could be tonight, could be in a week or two. We just have to wait ."

" Is he in coma ?" meekly whispered Namjoon with tears running down without a stop .

The doctor scratched his head, "" No no he is not in a coma but something similar , More like a vegetative state. He might show some signs here and there, like small reactions, before he really comes around."

"His back..." the doctor continued, "It's got some pretty big bruises, especially near the tailbone. And, well, it has paralyzed his lower body . "

Namjoon's fingers tightened into fists knowing damn well that it was Yoongi who had hit his hyung over there and that Yoongi was responsible for hurting his hyung, and now, because of Yoongi's reckless actions, his hyung might never walk again. The doctor clapped him and Minho lightly on the shoulder, "We're doing everything we can, okay? Let's just stay hopeful." Saying this he left giving a small smile to Kai .

" Shh Namjoon , calm down we are in a hospital right now , hmm " Kai whispered urgently, while Minho gripped his arm in a gentle but firm manner. But Namjoon was nearly blinded by his rage, every ounce of his being seething with anger.It seemed like fate was only fueling his wrath. There, heading their way, was the very source of his fury: Yoongi. He walked forward, clutching the letter close to his chest, looking equally tormented. Trailing behind him, the rest of their brothers were visibly distressed, tears staining their faces.

Namjoon felt a storm of anger inside him, wanting to lash out at Yoongi. But his Jin hyung's voice reminded him and held him back : "Always respect your elders." So, he held back. Yoongi, , handed Namjoon the cherished letter he had clutched so tightly. Without pausing for a response or uttering a sound, he approached Minho. Overwhelmed by the sight and without questioning Minho's unexpected presence, Yoongi simply crumbled, falling to his knees crying and weeping over his foot .

Minho , however, made no attempt to pacify or cradle the younger . Instead, he posed a chilling question " Are you happy now ? " Yoongi hesitated, his tear-filled eyes slowly rising to meet Minho's intense gaze. His silence only fueled Minho's growing rage further . " TELL ME ARE YOU HAPPY NOW ? AFTER RUINING HIS LIFE ? " Minho's voice echoed fiercely ,of course No one would say anything to him , he was in the VIP section of the hospital and even the hospital belonged to his brother .

"I....didn't....mean to " helplessly uttered Yoongi his voice fragile ,earning a scoff from both Minho and Kai .

" You didn't mean it ?" Kai's voice dripped with contempt. "The audacity Kim Yoongi , do you even know he is paralyzed because of the way you abused him in the name of punishment ? " spat Kai as he tightly held Yoongi's shoulder .

Before Kai could continue more , a helpless crying Namjoon hugged him crying and babbling about the words that were written for him in the letter by his hyung .Kai struggled to make sense of the fragmented confession until Minho, with a voice laden with sorrow, began to read the letter aloud. As the words flowed, they brought with them pain and regret, causing even the stoic Minho to shed tears mixed with anguish and fury.

The realization that came along as the words of the letters echoed in the hospital walls that Jin had been tormented, unable to find happiness and peace within the walls of what should have been his sanctuary, filled the room with remorse. Minho was haunted by the weight of his decision to listen to Jin's words from eight years ago. Only if he didn't listen to Jin he would have his twin brother all safe .

" I don't .....hate you ....hyung ..... I don't " Soundlessly cried Namjoon as he clutched the letter, reading its words repeatedly, hoping to change the reality before him. The weight of exhaustion eventually overtook him, causing him to drift into a restless slumber.

Minho, lifted Namjoon and carried him to the waiting room, laying him down with the tenderness of a protective brother. Upon returning, he could see Jin was getting shifted to the room . A pang of hope and longing surged through Minho's chest; soon, he would be able to see, hold, and embrace his baby brother .

The scene of Jin getting shifted was obviously witnessed by Yoongi as well and he couldn't digest the amount of harm he had caused to his hyung ,the weight of his actions pressing heavily on him. even with all the bandages covering his hyung's warm body he could feel the unmistakable glow of his innocent spirit. Yoongi's thoughts cleared and a bitter realization washed over him. He had been wrong all this while. While Jin had been a constant source of care and concern, all Yoongi had done was inflict pain upon him. His hyung did nothing but care about him and he did nothing but hurt his hyung .

Yet, time had slipped through his fingers, and now, even regret came too late, like echoes of a song that had already ended, leaving only a haunting silence.

The brothers argued a lot to at least get a single glimps of Jin but Minho and Kai stood like a strong wall not letting any of them even come near Jin's room .

" Hyung even if you want you can't stop me from entering hyung's room " scaredly spoke Taehyung , diverting the attention towards him .

How's it ?

I know many of you wanted him to either go into a coma or have memory loss but he literally had no head injury but still, after an intense research of 10 mins I found something similar to coma and added that instead .

Do vote , don't go below 75 after giving 80 votes on last chapter, okay ?

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