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20 + votes on this too and I ain't finishing this book , it was just a dare by my friend to say that I am finishing this book soon .

Jin : What is it that you can not show me ? he asked them in a monotonous voice .

Yoongi : Oh hyung , it's nothing . Just some creepy people you know who send random letters , don't worry I will throw it . of course jin did not buy it , he knew when his brothers were lying and it was one of it right now .

Jin : Yoongi stop making excuses and show me what it is in the letter . yoongi was still adamant to give him the letter and yoongi raised his hand in the air so that jin can't take it but whom is he even kidding , jin is way taller than him and he was able to take it without putting any efforts . While the twins face palmed at their hyung's silliness .

But then Jin opened the letter and for another few minutes he just stood still while tears flowed from his eyes without any efforts . The other three did not know how to react or comfort their hyung .

What else do you expect if you get the wedding invitation of your ex whom you still love a lot , yes it was the wedding invitation of Kai .

Every Kim brother knew him very well but no one was aware of the reason they broke up . Right now they just stood there watching their hyung cry , more like a statue with tears . When yoongi could sense his hyung will break down any moment he dragged to his room . The latter very well knew how the older hated being vulnerable in front of any of his doesang .

Yoongi : Hyung it is okay , you can cry as much as you want . I am here . he didn't know what else to do as for sure it was a sensitive topic for jin and it was one of the rare times that he cried like this in front of others .

Jin : No yo..yoongi I am fi..fine . I wi...will go now . Thanks for bringing me here . and leaving no space for yoongi to speak he left the room and called him . Right now he didn't need someone younger than him to comfort him as that will do no good but someone who can make him feel safe in their embrace , the person was definitely him .

With blurry eyes he somehow managed to call him and was glad that he picked up within few rings only .

Jin : He...hello , can I pl...please meet y...you please .

?? : It is not possible jin you know it and stop stuttering . he didn't mean to sound rude but his voice definitely sounded that way maybe because he was already stressed .

Jin : Pl..please just for few minutes . I really need you right now .

?? : No means no seokjin , don't you get it at once . Now cut the call I have work .

Jin : Please , I promise just a few minutes . No one will know..know about i...it . Pl...please co...come . by now he was full on sobbing and it irritated the person on the other side of the call . Had it been any other day he would have ran to him in the mansion only but right now he was stressed that he took his anger out on the wrong person .

?? : DON'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND JIN , WE CAN'T MEET RIGHT NOW . You want more of your brothers to get hurt , no right ? I wonder how you take care of your brothers when you are yourself such a cry baby , it would be them taking care of you most of the time .

This hurted like hell , I rarely cry and when I do there is no one for me . i miss you eomma appa . jin thought to himself but then quickly apologised to the latter .

Jin : I a..am so.sorry , pl..please don't sh..shout . Ji...jinnie scwared .

The other ignored the tone in which jin spoke and after saying " Keep your sorry to you " hung up the call .

Jin was quick to wipe off his tears . I can't be a cry baby , i need to be strong for my brothers they have only me . With these thoughts in his mind and a broken smile on his face he went back to the living room to do his " duties " as an elder brother which as per him he was failing to do .

They still did not receive any message from Tae Hyung and had no idea about his whereabouts . Yoongi was regretting sending tae hyung like that only without any permission .

Jin wanted to call him but was too scared to even send him a message right now .

Hosoek : Hyung where is tae hyung .There is still no message from him .

Jin : Calm down hoseok ah , he must be in the meeting maybe that is why he is not responding to the texts . all of them seemed to forget the kai incident and behaved very normally and conventionally , it did hurt jin a bit but he was fine as the person he really relied on too crashed his hopes some hours ago .

It was afternoon now and there was still no sign of tae hyung . Jin forcefully made all of them have their lunch . Jung kook seemed very down but right now it was a bit trivial in front of tae hyung's issue . But the younger's reason for sadness was Tae hyung too . AT night he had thought to apologise to take hyung for what he said , he was angry on him but that does not give him the right to be rude to his hyungs but when he wok up tae hyung was nowhere to be found .

Among the chaos , jin received a call from him . Forgetting all the anger and betrayl he was feeling he picked up the call with a happy tone .

Jin : Hello hyung . He spoke in a cheerful tone .

?? : SHUT UP SEOKJIN . Is this how you take care of your brothers . Jin hated when he called him by his full name and what does he mean by take are of his brothers ?

Jin : Wh..what do you mean ? he stuttered again due to the fear

?? : Great , now you don't even know what you did . Do you have any idea where tae hyung is ? anger was evident in his voice which scared jin like anything . I hope it does not end in that room . thought jin to himself , the room still haunts him like anything .

Jin : He said that he is going for an emergency meeting and then we did not get any text from him . he spoke very lowly , still scared because of all the scolding and shouting .

?? : Fod gos sake seokjin , learn to take care of them . Whenever something happens to them you come running to me for help . You just have one responsibility to take care of them , can't you even do that . Is this how you keep your parent's promise ? You still had no idea where tae hyung is . He is is his friend's lake house , i don't know doing what but that place is not safe . Go and get him RIGHT NOW . he again shouted at the last part . He was htitng all the sensitive topics for jin right now , just doing the work of adding fuel to the already burning fire in his heart .

Jin : I am so...sorry . But don't say I don't take care of them , they are my life my everything , i care for them a lot more than you or anyone c..can I'm...imagine . I will go and bring him safely don't worry .

?? : What else am I supposed to say when all you know is to come to me and ask to help you and your brothers . Learn to get your own work done by yourself .

He cut the call and whispered " My brothers " .

What do you think will happen and will jin and that guy meet ?

A small spolier

Tae hyung come fast , Jin hyung fainted .

what would have happened to jin ?

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