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Minho left to take out some clothes for Jin , Kai was going to leave too not trying to make the situation awkward but Jin slowly called him out and spoke . " H-how's your marriage going ? "

He still had hope that Kai was still his , he had spent years yearning for Kai and when he got to know his love was becoming someone else , his heart could barely bear the pain but now that he saw Kai here , a tiny hope rose in him thinking he could still claim back his love.

Kai thought to tease Jin a bit , momentarily forgetting how fragile Jin's emotional state was and the fact that he was not at all fit and stable to take even the slightest joke . " Umm it's going pretty good , I was hoping you would attend it "However, Jin, overwhelmed by recent traumas, didn't catch the playful smirk on Kai's face as tears welled up in his eyes. For Jin, it felt like a continuous string of losses - first his parents, then his brothers, and now, he believed, the affection of his love.

Jin's voice trembled with raw emotion, each word cracking as he spoke," I-I a-am so so-sorry ...Pl-please do-don't leave me ... I wi-will do anything y-you say... Ju-just st-stway pl-pease ... n-no irritate y-you ... Promise " Cried out Jin helplessly, His intention to reach Kai was visible but his body didn't support him .

Kai's heart ached, realizing the depth of Jin's pain and his actions as he rushed forward, " Hey hey , Jinnie I am joking see I am here only ... All yours ... No crying please . Shhh bubba , my baby , my love ... Calm down ... All good ... Yeahh ... We're okay. Breathe..." Frantically tried Kai as he himself was panicking seeing Jin like this , mumbling thousands of curse words to himself in his mind he continued to snuggle Jin more into his embrace all while Jin continued to cry in despair for his love . Every sob, every tremble from Jin tore at his soul each one a raw reminder of the depth of Jin's anguish .

Minho who did hear all the commotion wanted to punch his best friend for his lame prank but seeing how Jin finally wasn't rejecting his own happiness he held behind and let them have their own moment .

"Can you please listen to me? Just for a moment?" Jin hesitantly nodded, as Kai continued " I am so sorry baby , I was just joking with you, my love . But stupid me , I forgot how sensitive my Jin is right now . You will forgive your Kiki for this right ? I swear I married no one , in fact all these years I just waited for one person , My one and only Handsome Jinnie how can I even think of going to someone else and leaving this handsome face , huh ? And I was forced to send you the invitation , but it was all fake . I just love you baby , just you . Will you please forgive me ? " Kai's voice quivered, his eyes searching Jin's for understanding.

Hearing this Jin could feel happiness filling through his blood , his love was still his and he loved him .The assurance that Kai's love remained, brought relief to his heart . Jin extended his arms, seeking comfort, and Kai understanding the cue hugged him being careful of his injuries .
" I forgive you , I really missed you s-so much ... Ne-never leave m-me ... But I am so-sorry too i-it was me because of wh- " " Shh , my love no apologies . I know everything " Spoke Kai in between gently patting Jin's head in a soothing manner .
Jin's head perked up at that and he spoke " You know , howww ?"

" You see your meanie hyung over there ? " Jin nodded " He told me "

"Yahhh Minnie hyung , whyyyyy ?" Whined Jin in embarrassment , totally forgetting about his pain for a moment and just enjoying the present .

" Because I wanted to, now come let's go " Jin tired to get up , only to be stopped mid way by Minho " No no don't stand up , I will carry you "

" Umm why hyung " hesitantly asked Jin , Kai and Minho shared a worried glance with each other . Finally Jin felt a little happiness and they didn't have the heart to ruin it , just so early . " Because the doctor has told you to complete bed rest for 2 weeks that's why "

" Ohhh " spoke Jin , not questioning them much but Minho could sense Jin's doctor instincts kicking in as he quickly diverted the topic " Why you wanted Kai to carry you instead "

" Shut up , before I start embarrassing you too and pick me " Minho instantly went quite , getting ' scared ' by the cute Jin puffing his cheeks in front of him . While Kai had red cheeks , Minho was always the third wheel in them yet the one to ship them the most .

Kai drove them to a beautiful, quiet beach devoid of any human presence .

They planned to bring Jin here , because they knew there was still a lot that Jin was keeping in , even if he was enjoying himself wholeheartedly in front of them earlier it didn't mean he was healed and was the happiest person alive . His smile , still was a fake facade to hide his fragility . He was never asked to rant , to cry , to express himself and so he'd mastered the art of camouflage, to hide everything and appear the happiest but Minho and Kai were adamant to not let that happen , yet again . They were determined to help him confront and heal from his inner turmoil.

" My bubba , cry as much as you want , scream as much as you want . We will always be there with you , please don't bottle it up it is killing you slowly my love , I can't see it "

" What are you saying kiki , I am all good why will I cry ? " spoke Jin trying to be clueless , while he himself was just over the edge of breaking away .

" We both know you aren't Jin , just let it out . You deserve just happiness , none of this pain and trauma my baby none of this " spoke Minho , slowly melting through Jin's facade .

" It hu-hurts so much hy-hyung " Spoke Jin , Minho knew it was the emotional pain he was talking about and not the physical pain . Physical pain is always way better than emotional pain , because emotional pain has no remedy .

All it does is kill you silently

Until you learn to die daily .

How's it ?

You all didn't vote on the last chapter , I see I see , gimme 80 votes on this . Then imma give you a double update (❁'◡'❁)

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