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Double update for you guys , thanks a lot for reporting the account !!
And last chapter it was 28 votes can it be 30 on this , istg imma be so happy if you do so 🫠🫠🫠🐥

Okay let's name ?? as X ( yes I have been studying maths a lot lately )

As soon as Jin opened the door he saw X there . He couldn't believe his eyes . After almost 12 years he was finally seeing him but then realisation hit him and then his longing eyes was in an instance replaced by fear . X of course understood that and took steps towards Jin . His aura was just radiating dominance and fear . The only thing running through Jin's mind was fear but instead of any form of pain he was engulfed in a warm hug and Jin immediately melted in it .

X : I am so sorry , I was just so stressed at that time and took it out on you . But see I came to meet you right , now forgive this stupid head .Please .

JIn : No I won't talk to y..you you scolded m..me . I cr...cried a lot . Ji..jinnie angry .

X : Awww did my baby slip ? jin just slowly nodded . You know you are too cute and adorable , I am so sorry . I promise I will never do anything .

Jin : Fine , but spend the whole day with me and I am not a irresponsible brother right ?

X : No you aren't , infact you are the best brother one could ever have . I love my baby so much .

Jin : I love you too . He spoke while sloppily kissing X's cheek .
X : Aww really ? Then what about Kai ?

Jin : Don't tawlk about him with Jinnie . He spoke while puffing his cheeks due to anger .

X : Aww did something happen ? Do i need to kill someone ?

Jin : No no , no more killing plwease .

X : okok but tell me what happened ? And also why were you crying earlier on the call , hmm ? He asked softly noticing the pearls like tears in jin's eyes .

Jin : He sent Jinnie his wedding invitation . Jinnie no wanna go there .

X : aww my baby i am so sorry you were so sad and i still scolded you so much . I will give you a lot of cuddles , okay ?

Jin looked at him with very cute adorable eyes and asked " lot of cuddles ?" And X slowly nodded . "okay then Jinnie forgives you it was not your fault but Kai is a meanie .

X : yes i know he is a meanie , don't worry i will talk to him , okay bubba ?

Jin : Okiee , Jinnie loves you . He spoke while again giving a kiss on X's cheek .

X : But is my baby forgetting something ?

Jin : Umm no baby is not forgetting anything , what is it ? He spoke while resting his hand on his chin as if trynna think very hard . X chukled at that and spoke " Oh really , i remember someone had a punishment due because of not telling me what happened with Jackson and using my name "

Jin fake gasped at it and said " Oh my god , who did that ?
X : the person in front of me of course.

Jin : We are meeting after so long and you will punish me , such a cute person ? He spoke while pointing his finger towards himself . X pinched his cheeks and spoke " Of course , i already told you that whenever we will meet you gonna get out punished "
Jin : You are a big big meanie you know , very big . He over exgarated by spreading his hands .

X : I know i know but don't worry you won't get a hard one because I already scolded you a lot so i am feeling guilty for that .

Jin : Ha ha you aren't that meanie i should say

X : jUst hOw fASt tHe NiGht cHAngeS !!

Jin giggled at that as it was one of their inside joke and then again X got in serious mode and spoke " okay now off your lower clothes and bend over " X could see jin hesitating a bit and asked , this time in a bit softer tone " Are you shy baby ?" And he could see jin shyly nod at that .

X : Come here my shy baby , i have even seen you naked then why are you shy .

Jin : It's just that was years ago and I haven't been spanked in so long . That's why .

X : Don't worry i won't be too hard now come quickly and don't make it longer .

With hesitation jin discarded his lower pants and underpants and layed over X's lap .

X rubbed his back for a few minutes and then in a very cold tone spoke " I am starting , you are getting 40 . Bare "
And just by hearing this jin started sobbing but was of course ignored by the latter .

But his sobbing was in an instant turned to a short scream when the first hit landed . He barely had any idea of how spanking felt and spanking especially by X's rough hand was something no one would prefer .

Jin : A..aahh spank pl..please it spank
Hurts .

X : It is spank meant to spank hurt baby spank .

And ignoring all his cries and wails the Spanks continued until it was 30

X : Count the last 10 , if you skip any number we will start again

Jin slowly nodded but another strong hit to his bruised ass made him scream out a " Okay Sir "

Spank O..one

Spank two

Spank th...three

Spank fo....four

Spank fi..five

Pl... please st..stop now . It hurts a l...lot .

X : Shh count last five and we are done .and then another hit


Spank t...ten

"I-m sorry i-m sorry " jin kept chanting it and was soon pulled up by X . He carefully placed him between his legs so that his ass touches nothing but air .

X : Shh baby all done , you took it very nicely . I am proud of you .
Jin slowly looked up and asked " Really you are not disappointed by me ?"

X : No baby , i could never be disappointed by you . You make me feel the proudest , hmm . And again i am sorry for yesterday .

Jin : It's okay but tell your Kai that he is a big meanie . And if you go to his wedding give him a punch from my side .

X : okay dokey sir but wasn't it you who broke up with him ? So he has the right to move on right ? He tried to vex him into realising his mistake but jin immediately diverted the topic and spoke
Jin : Cuddles ? You said you will cuddle mr afterwards .

X chukled at his innocent try of changing the topic and opened his hands and jin immediately jumped .

X : Wait lemme apply the cream .
Jin : No no , it will hurt .

X : It won't hurt i promise .

And he started applying the cooling cream and kept talking to distract jin's mind from pain.
X : My brave baby , all done . I love you so much and kissed his forehead but then he remembered something about jin and asked

X : Hey i forgot to ask earlier but why were you so late and also why were you so scared ?

Next chapter will be about what happened in the room earlier , any guesses ???
And how was the chapter ?

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