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" WHY ME "Shouted Jin , as his voice tore through the silence, a raw cry of anguish. He was tired of everything that happened to him . He wanted closure , he wanted reasons to assure him that he wasn't a curse to his family which he feared to be . And he didn't deserve any of the things happening to him .

"Why did you leave me, Eomma... WHY?" Jin's voice echoed with pain, the grief he hadn't allowed himself to feel now consuming him. Though he had been robbed of the chance to properly mourn her passing, now that he was getting the chance and comfort to do so he was nothing but miserable . " Didn't y-you mi-miss ...me ?" Both Minho and Kai , stood a step before Jin to give him space but not to leave him on his own either .

" Why do you hate me , appa ... WHY ?" Shouted Jin again each word heavy with a lifetime of unspoken pain. He had many why's which were supposed to be answered yet every time he sought answers, he was met with cold silences or half-hearted excuses, each one slicing deeper into his soul, killing him slowly day by day .

" WHY DO MY BROTHERS HATE ME " This time his voice held more of the feeling of being betrayed rather than being sad . He never imagined the day when he would not talk to his brothers, or they would turn their back on him . For him, his brothers were his life and he believed so was he and they all would never leave each other's side but everything came crumbling down crushing Jin's heart in the process .

" I DIDN'T DESERVE THIS SHIT " By now Jin had started pitying his ownself , he was feeling disgusted by himself thinking how could someone be so miserable how could someone's life be so bad . How could one person bear so much misery? How could life be this cruel but everyday he continued with a hope of a better tomorrow and every tomorrow that turned to today did nothing but the exact opposite of his hopes .

" WHY CAN'T I BE HAPPY FOR O-ONCE , WHY " He had been continuously screaming , his body was still not healed at all and it could have adverse effects as his body, still bearing fresh wounds, trembled under the strain. As tears streamed down his face, Minho and Kai, unable to stand by any longer, raced to his side. They wrapped their arms around Jin, who sat collapsed on the sandy shore, hands grasping at the sand, as if trying to find an anchor in its grains but nothing seemed to work . He desperately sought a way to soothe the searing pain in his heart, but nothing appeared futile . His bearing capacity at max .

Jin thrashed a bit in the safe protective arms and again screamed more like the voice of his soul finally telling its suffering " I wa-want to b-be HAPPY! " and then he collapsed in their arms , crying like a baby and babbling about how he loves them so much and that they won't leave him in the end just like his brothers did .

In whispered vows, they promise to stay,

Yet in your darkest hours, they drift away.

When their needs are met and the skies seem clear,

Those once close shadows suddenly disappear.

Kai carried Jin back to the car and this time , Minho drove them back . The car ride was one filled with silence but it was a bliss . They were a little happy that finally at least Jin came out of the shell of thinking that he deserved this . They knew the progress would be steady , but they would bring their old bubbly Jin back , doesn't matter how long or how much effort it takes . They won't let him live in darkness this time .

By the time they returned, Namjoon was already waiting, his anger at it's peak. Minho and Kai offered a sheepish smile, glancing at the myriad of missed calls on their phones. They realized, too late, that they had forgotten to inform the younger member about them leaving and they were definitely more than scared right now .

" Where were you both , huh ? Don't you know how worried I was . I shouldn't have left you two crackheads with my hyung . How could you even think of taking him out in this situation , I don't care how serious or urgent it was , from now you will do anything related to hyung only after my permission only, got it ? " To say namjoon didn't look scary at the moment would be literally an understatement and both the elders nodded their heads in fear at the instructions they were given . Hearing the commotion Jin woke up too , and as soon as Namjoon saw that Jin was awake he wasted no time in snatching his hyung back .

Jin who saw the younger marching towards him with a very big smile , mentally braced himself for the pain that would come from the bruises thinking just like any other time Namjoon would hug him mindlessly but seeing how gently yet firmly Namjoon carried him off from Kai , he couldn't help but give out a genuine smile . He loved all his brothers , but he was always the closest to Yoongi , but seeing how Namjoon was the only one who took a stand for him and not Yoongi he realized how much he was missing out on his koya baby . Namjoon carried Jin back to his room and then gently settled him down .

" Aishh hyung I know they must have troubled you a lot , but first tell me is it paining anywhere . Wait let me recheck your bandages " Namjoon quickly did a small scan of his hyung's bandages to see if they all were intact or not only to return back to the crying face of his hyung .

" Goshh hyung why are you crying ?... Is it hurting somewhere ... I am so sorry did I hurt you .... Hyung please say something na ... Don't cry ... " Panicked Namjoon .

Jin didn't say much , he was too overwhelmed seeing how much the younger cared about him .At the moment Namjoon appeared like the assurance to all those questions he had been living his life with . Just muttering a " I love you my baby " he launched onto Namjoon , who was panicking more than Jin thinking his injuries might hurt but Jin didn't care at all and slept in the embrace of Namjoon while Namjoon after seeing his hyung wasn't in pain joined him too and slept there itself .

While Minho and Kai were discussing about what to do with the other brothers Minho decided to go to the Kim Mansion .

" Yeah I will go in the morning and talk to all of them , we just can't live our whole life escaping from reality " Kai nodded in agreement and spoke " I know but please be calm , don't lose your temper "

" I will try , can't promise tho " " You won't try Minho , you are gonna do it and take Namjoon along with you . "

Kai wasn't accompanying them as he wanted to give the brothers their space to discuss everything , he was close to everyone over there but Jin was a sensitive topic, and not all of them might be comfortable talking in front of Kai .

" Okiee , I will inform him tomorrow . Right now I am sure he must be sleeping with his jInNiE hYuNg " Spoke Minho with a tint of jealousy while Kai chuckled at that too and left .

The next morning when Minho and Kai went to Jin'r room to inform Namjoon they heard a very raspy voice saying " Dada " something his ears missed a lot to hear .

How's it ? And suggest me your ideas for the next chapter , like what should happen at Kim's Mansion .

80 votes for the next chapter ! I am seeing you all aren't voting like you used to do 😭🤧🤧

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