To make it 9-0, I shoot from a far distance and the goal keeper goes to save it but it still manages to slip past her fingers and into the goal.

In the 50', Beth gets tackled in the penalty box and the ref automatically says it's a pen.

I run straight over to Beth to see if she's alright and luckily, she gets up straight away.

We have a short team discussion on whose to take the penalty but it didn't last long as everyone agrees on me.

I place the ball down on the penalty spot and step backwards.

If I scored this, I would have a double hat trick.

The ref blows her whistle and I kick it with all my power into the bottom left hand corner.

I turn around to face everyone and they all hug me.

"Well done, kid." I hear Beth tell me.

I look over to less and she blows me a kiss, in which I return a toothy smile before resetting.

Jess Carter scores her first goal for England in the 56' to make it 11-0. The ball appeared out of no where at her feet and somehow she still managed to get it in the goal.

Everyone runs up to her and I make sure to stay back so I can give her a proper congratulations.

"Well done, Jess. That's what you call striker instincts. We should swap positions." I joke

"Thanks, cap." She smiles and I feel a sense of pride run through me.

Four minutes later, Sarina decided to do a double sub again and took Georgia out for Jill, and meado off for less.

When I saw the number 22 come up in green, my whole face lit up.

I saw less run onto the pitch. We had a corner and so she ran over to us all. She quickly kissed my cheek before getting into game mode.

A minute after the corner is taken, Beth England headers it into the goal after a cross in from greenwood.

In the 67', Jill gets her moment and scores a header to make it 13-0.

During the 70', we get a corner and the result from that corner gets us to 14-0. That corner was so special to me though.

That corner resulted in less scoring her first goal for England.

"Yes, lessi!" I shout as I run to her.

Everyone goes to hug her but I stay to the side so I could have a moment with her alone.

Once they had all finished hugging her, she spots me waiting and walks over to me.

"I am so proud of you, lessi." I hug her. "I wish I could kiss you right now."

"What's stopping you?" She asks with a smile

"I don't actually know." I shrug as I kiss her lips gently. We had to end it really quickly though as the fact we were mid way through playing a match. "You'll score another one, or two. I bet you."

"I'll make sure I do, for you." Less says

"I'll score for you too." I tell her and the match restarts.

A minute later, I was tackled to the floor. It wasn't a bad tackle, I mean it didn't hurt, but as I was still on the floor trying to get up, a Latvian player stepped on my hand, cutting it quite deeply.

A sharp pain shoots through my hand but I try get up as fast as I could and get the ball.

The ref blows her whistle but still said it wasn't a foul.

I show her my hand which was bleeding at this point but she still says it wasn't a foul.

The game quickly kicks off again before I could even have the chance to clean my hand.

Even though my hand was full of blood, in the 76' I get the ball and get past two defenders before shooting from outside the box. It goes right down the middle and over the goalkeeper.

Everyone comes over to celebrate but I tell them not to hug me because of the blood.

"Livvy, is that from your hand?" I hear less say after she kisses my cheek.

"Yeah, and it wasn't a yellow. It's ridiculous."

"Liv, you need to get that wrapped up. Come we are going to the medics. That might need to be stitched." Less says as we walk towards the medics.

They clean it before wrapping it up with bandages but they tell me that it's deep enough to need stitches so I have to go to the ambulance that was here after the match.

Just before the 80', Jordan takes a shot and it goes into the bottom right corner.

A minute later, I cross the ball into less and she headers the ball into the net.

She runs over to me and we hug.

"The unstoppable lovers on and off the pitch. Been like this since 2013." Lotte says as she celebrates with us. It was her nickname for me and less. It always had been.

Not even 50 seconds later, the goalkeeper messes up a kick and it heads straight for lessi's head so she headers the ball and yet again it goes into the goal.

"I told you, baby! I told you that you would get a hat trick! I'm so proud of you!" I lift less up before kissing her quickly.

"What about you? You're nearly close to a triple hat trick."

"Forget about me. You scored not only your first goal but also got your first hat rick. Well done lessi."

"Thank you, liv." Less wraps her arm around my waist as we walk back to the centre of the pitch.

In the 88', we get a corner and I volley it into the net. One more goal and I've got a triple hat trick.

We get told that there will be 4 extra minutes and I was still adamant to get another goal.

The 92', less passes to me and without looking I trust my instincts and just shoot. To be honest, I had no clue whereabouts I was in the box, I just shot and somehow, with the force and curl I had on the ball, it reaches the top left corner perfectly. There was no way the goalkeeper was getting that.

The final whistle blows and I just take a big breath, taking in everything that had happened.

A/N: I have a quick question. So I'm currently writing well ahead. I'm currently writing chapter 84 on this book and I'm approaching the World Cup final. Now, of course, the final didn't end up how we all wanted it to. However, this is a fictional book, and I can make up anything. So, should I change the score in the final so that England win?

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