"I think it's sets the bar of what we want to achieve as a team and she's been great. She's really got a sense of dry humour. I think it's a Dutch thing but yeah, it's been great and we're really excited to continue learning with her." Less says. "Right, next, Ella Toone. I mean, she's my best friend. Obviously playing with her at club and country is great and we have a great connection on the pitch and she's really excelled these past couple years and it's credit to her hard work and I think that she's really getting the opportunities that she deserves. At the Olympics last year, I was at home watching her, and of course livvy, but I was buzzing for them when they got their opportunity. But for Ella, getting a hat trick, she's on fire at the minute but she still does my head in every now and again, and even off the pitch she can still be annoying Ella Toone."

"Ella may be annoying but I mean she's always making us laugh. She's always round our house and at this point, she is more like a sister than a friend. Next one, call ups. I remember my call up really well. So me and less were actually in a sport science class and I was the first one to get the call. And I look at my phone during class, which I shouldn't have been doing but, I looked at it and saw that it was Phil calling. My first thought was like 'oh god, what have I done?' So I leave class and answer it, and he explained that me and some other players were gonna be coming up to play in the SheBelieves and I couldn't really believe it and then I just knew that Less was gonna be one of those other players, so I waited outside the classroom for less to get her call. Within two minutes, Lessi was outside with me on the phone with Phil. In the meantime, whilst she was on the phone, I was ringing my parents and telling them. They were really proud of me, and less, at that point, Lessi was already like a daughter to them so it was such a proud moment that both of their daughters were going up to the senior team." I explain and feel less take my hand in hers towards the end.

"There was no way we were going back in the classroom. I don't think we would have concentrated. Instead we went to our favorite restaurant and celebrated but yeah, it was definitely a day I'll never forget." Less adds. "Next card is superstitions." Less giggles a bit before looking at me. "I mean I've got a couple. I think it's a well known one but I put my right boot and my right sock on first and right shin pad before my left. I don't know why but I just always do that and I jump seven times before a match starts. I think one that almost everybody knows, but me and Liv always kiss before a game when we play for England. We've done it since we were fifteen. It always brings us good luck and I mean I enjoy it."

"Of course the kiss is quite a big superstition for me but I always have a tictac before I enter the pitch. I always have a pack of tictacs in my bag." I explain. "Next card. Lotte Wubben-Moy. Yeah, the three of us decided to go on a journey together. We crossed the sea and moved to America, we all went to the university of North Carolina as naive seventeen year olds and I think it was an amazing journey and it was so nice to do it with such familiar faces. Obviously, we all played with each other through the youth age groups and it was so nice to experience such a different culture of life and football with less and Lotte. Somethings we wouldn't have been able to do without Lotte, like setting up an American bank account and an American phone number. She's really good with all that jazz. I mean, Lotte was like an older sister to us whilst in America. She definitely helped me a lot in America and I'll always be grateful for that."

"Lotte definitely helped us in America. She sort of became a sister/mother figure whilst we were there and like liv said, I'll always be grateful for that. This next one says goals. As a professional athlete, you always set goals and I think with being out for so long prior to this season, my biggest goal over the summer was to get back fit and get playing..." I squeeze less' hand as I know that was a hard time in her life for her. "...And being back on the grass I think I'm much eager for more and domestically, I'm trying to play well and obviously, get on the score sheet as much as I can as a striker and I think that obviously now being in and around the England team again, my goals have got to be big. I think compete for more caps and more games and as a young player, you come into the camps and you have so many amazing players to learn from and the likes of Ellen white, she's someone to look up to as a striker and I think that to one day go and achieve some of those things is definitely a goal of mine." Less finishes

"I have got a couple of goals in mind that I want to achieve and like what less said, to have so many amazing players to look up to definitely helps with that. I mean, Ellen is like a mother figure to me. I spend so much time with her, at club and country, that I learn so much from her. As a striker too, I think one of your main goals is to score and to see yourself on the score sheet. This card says family. Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a very family oriented person. My mum and dad have travelled the world, and my sister as well, to support me play. All through the youth age groups actually, our dads never missed one of our games. My dad and Lessi's dad get on very well and so they would always come and watch our matches together. However, there was one match, before the under 17s World Cup where it was behind closed doors so they weren't allowed to come and watch. They were both gutted about it but I think everything I do is to make my family proud. Obviously, they've supported me so much and I wouldn't be here without them. They've shaped me into the player and the person I am super grateful for everything they've done and it's my job now to continue working hard and working hard for them."

"Everything that livvy said goes for me too. I mean family is everything to me. We both can't wait until we have our own family one day and I think that will be an excuse to work harder to show our own children that anything is possible. Likewise to liv, I do everything for my family and I'll make sure to make them proud." Less says and I can't help but smile when she mentions our future family. We've always spoken about having children and we both can't wait for the day when we do. "Last one. Each other. Wow. I mean where do I even begin with liv. Livvy just makes my life so much better. Everyday she makes me fall in love with her all over again. She is so kind and sweet and gentle. We've been together since we were fourteen and there has never been a day where she hasn't managed to wow me. I don't know what I would do without her. I can't wait to call her my wife one day."

"You're gonna make me cry, Lessi. I mean, I could sit here for days talking about less. She is one of the best things to ever happen to me, if not the best. She is always there for me and she's one of the main reasons why I'm here today. Like less said, we met when we were fourteen and I knew I loved her from only a week of knowing her. From her humour, to her eyes, to her personality, she makes me fall in love with her more and more each day. I didn't think it was possible to love someone so much, but she's made me prove myself wrong. I love her so much." I turn to less and kiss her cheek.

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