After Story: Once In A Generation

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Sonia: Alright~. Dinner is ready~.

Ryuko: Wow, it smells as good as always.

Koneko: I'll say. Anything she makes smells good.

I sit at the kotatsu as Sonia set down some plates. She then walked over to cabinet and pulled out a candle.

Koneko: What's that?

Sonia: They had a new scent I wanted to try out.

She set it aside and lit it before joining us. It took a minute or so before the smell really spread.

Ryuko: Hmm... Cinnamon...And...

Koneko: Lavender? That's an odd combination, but it actually smells good.

Sonia: Your not wrong. I was worried that it would have been a waste.

Ryuko: Well It certainly wasn't. It brings a nice atmosphere.

The three of us enjoy our meal and the scent from the candle. I see Koneko's ears twitching alot.

Ryuko: You okay Koneko? Your ears are going everywhere.

Koneko: O-oh. Their just itchy. Usually I'm good at scratching them by moving them.

I reach over and scratch them for her, getting some purrs from her.

Koneko: Ohhh~. Right there~. That's the spot~...

I keep scratching her ear as Sonia cleaned up. After she was done, she came and joined me.

Sonia: Alright you two. Time for bed.

Koneko: Hey, I'm not a kid.

Sonia: Well you do nothing but train, so you need rest.

Ryuko: She's right. Up with you.

I easily pick her up. She groans and struggles in my arms, but I don't budge. Sonia turns off the lights behind me as I walk up to our room.

Koneko: Ugh. You didn't have to pick me up.

Ryuko: I didn't. But I wanted too.

She just sighed and held me tight as I went up the stairs.


The next day, I was sharpining my sword as Koneko came up to me.

Ryuko: ...?? Morning love. Off to train today?

She said nothing. She came closer and layed down, having her head on my lap.

Koneko: Don't feel like it today...Tired...

I sheath my sword and rub her head, scratching behind her ears. She purrs and nuzzle closer to me.

Ryuko: What's up with you today? Your not the cuddle type.

Koneko: I'm just in the mood for some head scratches. Don't judge me.

I chuckle and keep scratching her head. After a while, she falls asleep.

Now I'm stuck with her...

More like she's stuck with me....


Ryuko: I'm going out girls!

Koneko: I wanna come too!

As I'm putting my sword on my hip, Koneko slid down the stairs and came to my side.

Ryuko: ...Eh? I'm just doing my weekly routine. I'll be back in a bit.

Living Clothing In A World Full Of Devils (Female Ryuko reader X Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now