After Story: Horrors of The Mind

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Just gotta relax. Open my mind. Focus.....

Ryuko: .....What do I have to do again?

Ophis: Just concentrate. Your almost there. Just reach out.

Alright. I let myself relax again. Just let me mind do the talking.

Just let my mind......


.....Reach out

??? Relax~. That's all you do right?

Guess it worked.

Ryuko: Your one to talk. You have nowhere to go anyway.

I open my eyes to see a chained up figure infront of me. I stand up as they chuckle.

???: Aren't you paranoid? Don't you think I could still be out there? That you didn't really kill me?

I sigh and cross my arms

Ryuko: Yeah yeah whatever. Just give up Viego.

The man lowers his head and chuckles.

Viego: You know less than you think, hero. Soon, your world will face the Ruination. I'll turn the living world into another Shadow Realm. And then, I can spread out to other worlds. Other realities! Other universes! No matter what you do, you've failed!

I sigh and shake my head. This guy is all bark.

Ryuko: Alright then. Tell me, how are you-A guy who has no physical body and no will of his own-going to be able to make a new Shadow Realm?

He raised his head and looked me in the eyes.

Viego: I have people. More then you think. He's already planning. Waiting. Watching just wait. In another 10 years, your world will be mine! And I will be whole again!

This guy just doesn't know when to shut up or give up. Whatever.


After I closed my eyes again, I open them to see that I'm back out by the pond.

Ophis: How'd it go?

Ryuko: I don't trust his words, but he didn't seem like he was bluffing. He has a minion somewhere. Don't know the name, but they should be easy to find.

I stand up and stretch, hearing some bones crack. Man that felt good.

Sonia: Ryuko!!

Oh. Sounds like dinner is ready. Man, this super hearing is actually handy. Junketsu really does alot.

Ophis: Seems like it's time. Want a quick trip back?

Ryuko: Na. I got this.

I crouch down before jumping. I hold my hair back to keep it out of my face as I soar. I land outback and straighten my hair as best as possible before going inside.

Ryuko: Hope I made it in time.

Sonia: You are. Koneko hasn't come up yet. You know how she can get.

She finished setting down the plates as I walked up behind her. I wrap my arms around her and rub her slight belly bulge.

Sonia: You've been quite handsy lately.

Ryuko: Can you blame me? My mother said the medicine wouldn't work. But after a year, it managed to remove the seal. And in the end..... there'll be a mini me running around someday.

She rubs my arms while leaning back.

Ryuko: Koneko! Come and eat!

Koneko: I'm coming I'm coming!

The door in the hall opens as Koneko came up. A towel was over her shoulders and she was dripping sweat.

Koneko: Oh, what did you make today? Smells good. And I'm basically starving.

Before she can sit down, she runs face first into a small wall of ice.

Sonia: Oh no you don't. Your getting sweat all over the floor. Not only that but it's dripping off of you. Go wash up.

Koneko: Oh come on. But I'm starving.

Ryuko: You know the rules. Now go clean up.

She gorans before walking to the stairs, mumbling under her breath.

Ryuko: You said something?

Koneko: Nothing!

After she's upstairs, I sigh.

Ryuko: Man. I swear she's thinking with her stomach more then before.

Sonia: More then ever. And about people's stomachs.

I kiss her cheek before resting my chin on her collar.

Ryuko: So how long does it take for a demon to have a baby?

Sonia: Well, for a normal human it's 40 weeks. Ours is half that.

Ryuko: Only 20? That's not as long as I expected.

She giggled and lifted my head up to kiss me. But our kiss didn't last too long.

Koneko: Alright. I cleaned up. Now let's eat.

Ryuko: Learned your lesson?

Koneko: Possibly not.

I roll my eyes before we all laugh before sitting down and eating.


Issei: Your having a child already?

Ryuko: Im not. Sonia is.

Issei: You know what I mean. Don't pull my leg.

I laugh before taking a sip of my soda. I'm at Issei's place right now because he wanted to hang out. Normally I wouldn't want to be in a room with him, but he became bearable somehow.

Ryuko: So, what's going on with you and Rias? You having a child yet?

Issei: I'm trying to convince her, but she thinks she's not mother status.

Ryuko: Pfff. With how much she wanted to get in your pants back in school, I say the opposite.

Issei: That's what Serafell said! I don't get her man.

He sighs and sips his own soda.

Issei: No offense to you, but I don't understand women.

Ryuko: No offense taken. Technically I'm not a woman.

Issei: Oh yeah! Your a.....sorry I never heard the name.

Ryuko: Futanari. Or futa for short. We're technically both genders. But technically we're our own gender.

He nods at that. I know he doesn't understand in the slightest.

Issei: Anyway, I know.....well I don't know but you told me that your mother is one. So are there more of you?

Ryuko: No. It's only two of us. Probably three with my child. We have a 50% chance to have a futa and a 50% chance for it to be male. But my mom said that a male born from a futa has more feminine features then masculine.

Issei: So what does that mean?

.............Dumb as a bag of rocks.

Ryuko: Just don't worry about it. Anyway, I should be going. Gotta get some things form the store before heading home.

I crush the can in my hand before throwing it away.

Issei: Alright. Go and do your woman thing or whatever. Come back any time. Rias might be here later.

I nod before taking my leave. After I close his door, my senses go into hyperdrive. I quickly look around before seeing something out in the distance. Some greenish smoke.

Ophis: That doesn't look good.

Ryuko: Definitely not. Let's go find out what it is.

I crouch before jumping. It's not the fastest transportation I have, but it is my go too.

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