S3 E6: A Rematch In The Waiting! (Y/N) VS. Sona Sitri!

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Souseiseki: Left!

You swing that way and cut a metal sphere.

Souseiseki: Right!

You swing and cut another.

Souseiseki: Evade!

You sidestep as she swing at you. You turn and quickly slash at her, but she turned and punched you in the stomach. You grunt as your body began to weaken. But you stood your ground and swung downwards. Unfortunately, in your last feat of strength, it was blocked by her scissor as you fell to the ground. You hear a sigh before your strength had returned.

Souseiseki: You've definitely improved. But, not enough to satisfy me.

(Y/N): Damn it. What would it even take to satisfy you? You sound more stubborn then anything.

You hear her huff before throwing her weapon at you. You raise your blades to block it, but it flies around you and points at the back of your neck.

Souseiseki: My Sacred Scissor Art is about balance, precision, and focus. A bigger blade is heavier, meaning more balance and precision is needed. But, if you can't even land a single hit on me, then your not ready to learn it.

Her weapon returns to her as she turned and walked back twords the mansion.

(Y/N): I get that. But I can't begin to master it if you haven't managed to teach it to me.

She stops and turns to you before sighing.

Souseiseki: Why don't you go and see your friends for a bit? Take your mind off of things.

With that, she closed the door behind her. You sigh. You should get back with everyone. As you were walking back, you were talking with Senketsu.

Senketsu: {(Y/N), I've wanted to ask. Have you imported with your powers?}

(Y/N): To be honest, I've only done very little. I can use it for slightly longer, but it still hurts to use for any amount of time.

Senketsu: {We still need to know the full extent of those abilities. Why don't we try right now? We could try and get back faster.}

(Y/N): Your not wrong......Guess it would be a good time to try.

You stand still and take a breath. You then feel your body get lighter as you power up. You stay still for a bit, not feeling any strain. You raise your hand and see your yellow aura, but you feel pain in your arm. You stay still again as the pain went away. In fact, you felt better.

(Y/N): I think I understand.

Senketsu: {How so? You feel the same to me.}

(Y/N): ......

Senketsu: {(Y/N)?}

(Y/N): Never mind. I'll get us going.

You crouch down, and in a swift You jump, making a small hole behind. As you left, Souseiseki had been watching.

Souseiseki: So that's your talent.....Good to know.

You flew through the sky for a bit before landing beside the RV. You stood up from the dust cloud and brushed yourself off as you were normal again.

(Y/N): Gonna have to learn to make an easier stop.

You cough up some dust before stretching to get the last of the pain out.

Sona: Welcome back. How was training?

(Y/N): Still didn't learn her technique. I'm starting to think this was a waste.

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