S5 E3: Finishing What Was Started

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After getting into an open area, your standing infront of Sona, staring her down.

Sona: I remember you doing something with Senketsu when you first fought Sanageyama.

(Y/N): Oh yeah. I did want to try that.

Senketsu: Your body is in peak condition. It'll be at it's strongest right now.

(Y/N): Yeah. But, I want to try something different as well.

Sona: Oh? What might that be?

(Y/N): I want to see if I can take the form even higher.

Senketsu: But that could use more blood. You might not be able to handle it.

(Y/N): That's where my theory comes in. I've been thinking.....I don't have powers. Senkets.....The Scissor Skills.....Even Twilight Healing......their not mine. I haven't been getting stronger, just my equipment. I'm a human, and even now I haven't improved. I can get stronger any way I see it, but I'd never reach the level that you have Sona. Your a devil. Your always going to be stronger then me no matter how many flashy things I have. The same goes for sis. She may be a human as well, but she has something that makes her more. I'm just.....I just have to try even harder! And that's what I'm gonna do! Try my very best!

Sona was in shock. But, that turned into a smile at the sense of your will of strength.

Sona: Well then? I want to see that fire in your eye. Show me (Y/N). Show me why I chose you.

A smile also comes to your face. You hold up your shrunken scissors and hold it to your arm.

(Y/N): Ready buddy?

Senketsu: Ready as ever!

(Y/N): Senketsu! Ascension!

Being covered in a ball of flames, Senketsu turns from his Base to his Ascension state. But, you pull the blade back to your arm, ready to go again.

(Y/N): Let's go even higher!

Senketsu: I'll try my best to keep you stable. Go for it!

(Y/N): Let's go even further!

You cut your arm again. Your eyes go wide before you find yourself staring down a door. It has cracks all throughout it, and a light shines directly down the middle. But, there's a giant padlock on it. You look down as your hand and see that it's glowing.

Kisaragi: Quite the sight isn't it?

You flinch and take a few steps forward before turning around.

(Y/N): How did you-

Kisaragi: You just need to take the steps to fight that courage. That strength. That force of will. You have the strength to finally do what other humans could never.

(Y/N): And?....... What's that?

She looked twords the door before vanishing to gold dust.

Kisaragi: That.....if for you to decide. But can your body handle it?

With her final words, you look back to the door and walked twords it. You reach your hand up as it entered the lock. You feel a handle on the inside and grab it.

You body gets filled with pain as an unknown feeling goes through you. You try your best to keep hold of the handle, but then an energy explosion forces you away. You appear back outside your body. You sit up while breathing heavily.

Sona: Here, best you drink up after that.

(Y/N): Y-yeah. Thanks...

You take the water from her hand and drink it down in seconds. She sits next to you as you burn away the bottle.

Living Clothing In A World Full Of Devils (Female Ryuko reader X Highschool DxD)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu