Journal Entry #2

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"It's almost been almost a whole year, and things just keep getting more and more......just........I just need a break. I need a long long break......I should do a recap to put ease on my own mental. Where to start......I guess I should talk about Mikisugi's training. It actually wasn't that bad. Well, Nui was a pain in the ass and a bitch in with a terrible voice. Like, why would he make her have a voice of that pitch? God.......Anyway, getting her out on of my head, I should talk about everyone. To hey all seemed to improve. Although, I never got to fully see their Improvements, but maybe one day I can see all they have in store. I also improved greatly. Me and Senketsu feel more one in the same then before. But, I still feel like this power inside me is out of reach still. Maybe one day I could reach it.....But..... Guess I should cut to the chase and stop dancing around the topic. Satsuki. Satsuki and her Junketsu. That........that fuckin bitch! I'll get her back......get her back for killing her!......For killing...."

Tears stain a few lines of the page, making it illegible.

".....I shouldn't be crying. She wouldn't want that. I have to keep going. Keep getting stronger. Keep making her smile no matter where she is. And I have to keep moving......But....I can be honest in this right? Right. I honestly I don't know what to do. Maybe it's just my fighting exhaustion. What's worse.....better? Worse? Either way, I met with my sister for the first time in years. She had a friend with her, Irina. It's good to see her and all, but I didn't expect her to want to try and attack one of my friends. Hopefully I can talk with her again when she wakes up. But other than that.....Nothing else really......"

Writing had transitioned to the next page after something seemingly has been scratched out.

"With Summer coming up, maybe I can get Sona to agree to go on a trip. Just the two of us. We haven't gone on an official date yet, so it would be a good time too. Just me and her, nothing to bother us, just relaxing the days away. But where would we go? It would have to be a nice place. I'll talk with her about it. Maybe we can think of something. But, maybe not. If not, we could just stay at my apartment and just relax the days away here. Oh! Maybe-"

The writing stops there.

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