After Story: Finally Asking The Question

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Serafell: So then I told him, if he wanted me to go out with him, he would pay for dinner. That got him to stop asking me out.

Irina: Some type of weirdo am I right?

Ryuko: Yeah. Definitely. I'd want a guy to pay for my meal. But, I'm lesbian. So I pay for the meals.

We share a laugh. I was out with Irina and Serafell to just hang out. I also wanted to ask them about.....well...

Ryuko: Hey, I need you two to be serious with me for a moment.

They look to me, ready to know what I have to say. I know that it's now or never, but it's just the question of if my body would even allow me to speak.

Ryuko: I want......I want to propose to the girls....but I don't know how to say it.

In that moment, Serafell pulled out her phone as Irina forced me to stand.

Ryuko: Huh? Wait what's-

Irina: This Is a big deal Ryuko! We need to make sure that we do all we can!

Ryuko: Okay, but what are-

Serafell: Okay, we're good to go. Girls! Your in charge until I get back!

In a flash she teleports us. After my vision stops swimming, I look around to see were in some type of palace. But, I bearly got time to speak as I was pulled again. We go through a door as we approach someone on a throne......Hey wait, isn't that-

Ryuko: Rias? Issei?

The two seemed to be in a conversation before they looked to us.

Issei: Hey guys! You got here quick.

Rias: What's this I hear about a 'Code White'?

Ryuko: Code White?

Serafell: Emergency Marriage Protocol. Now, start spilling the beans. How long have you been thinking about this?

So this is what this was for? They really didn't need to go this far.

Ryuko: Okay guys, look. I just want advice on how to tell them. Does it need to be fancy? Or can I just bring it up.

Serafell: It obviously has to be romantic. You need to let them know that you care about them more then anything in the world.

Ryuko: But they-

Rias: Already know their the most important people to you? If you need some advise, I say you take them out on a date.

Ryuko: Well, we did want to plan a night out.

Rias: Well, we'll be helping you plan.

Wait what? But why would-

Issei: It has to be special. We can set things up to be a perfect night for the three of you.

Ryuko: Look, like I said, I just want advice. You guys don't have to do all of this.

Irina: I would agree, but this is a big moment. This has to be special. And first, it starts with you buying a ring.

Serafell: 2 to be exact. Now, let's start planning. We have alot to get ready for.

......This is going to be....quite a long session of me not having a lot of input....


After a few hours, I returned home. Just have to follow the plan. I opened the door and called out while walking down the hall.

Ryuko: I'm back.

When I get to the main room, I see Sonia and Koneko sitting at the Kotatsu.

Sonia: Welcome back. How was your day out?

Living Clothing In A World Full Of Devils (Female Ryuko reader X Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now