Ch 77 - Therapy

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Shigiraki was biting his lips as hard as he could to prevent himself from screaming. The tip of his fingers had been completely mangled. Kenji threw it all onto the floor.

Kenji: Are you not going to answer. What's 1000 minus 7.

Suddenly Shigiraki began to laugh hysterically.

Kenji: Why are you laughing?

Shigiraki: Because not only did I kill you girlfriend. BUT YOUR REALLY SHIT AT THIS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Shigiraki couldn't stop laughing.

Kenji: Your right. You're so right. I have no clue how to actually torture someone. So I'm going to practice in you.

A black drop fell from his nail into Shigiraki. The tip of his finger regenerated.

Kenji: I have plenty of time to learn and you have no where to be. So let's continue.

From then that's where it started. Kenji tried the things he saw in Tokyo Ghoul. Nail ripping, cutting off his fingers and toes, forcing Shigiraki to eat them then they regenerated over and over again.

Shigiraki: I never knew I tasted so good.

Shigiraki smirked. Suddenly Shigiraki couldn't feel his arm. Kenji severed it as it attached back. He kept slicing off and on his appendages. But Shigiraki kept smile.

Kenji: Why are you smiling? Is this funny to you? Why won't you scream?

Kenji stared at Shigiraki devoid of any emotion. His eyes completely blank as they looked in Shigirakis eyes.

Shigiraki: It's painful. But I can't help thinking. THAT YOU GOT THIS FROM SOME TV SHOW OR SOMETHING! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Kenji no matter how hard he tried couldn't break him like last time. No matter how much pain he put him through he wouldn't break. Kenji didn't want to manipulate him into feeling fear. He wanted Shigiraki to plunge into despair all on his own. 

Kenji: You stay here.

Kenji disappeared.

Shigiraki: Didn't plan on leaving. It's fun to watch you struggle. Hahaha.

Scene change

Kenji then spent the time watching movies, reading manga he did everything possible to get better at inflicting pain on Shigiraki.

Ophis tried to talk to him but Kenji promptly disappeared.

Scene change

Shigiraki: It's been a while. Though it couldn't have been long. I think you filled me up on fingers and toes. Hahahaha.

Suddenly Shigiraki started to gasp for air. Kenji looked at him. Shigiraki found it so hard to breathe.

Shigiraki: W...What did y... you do!

Kenji: I increased the size of your ribs. It's putting pressure on your lungs which is stopping you from breathing properly.

Suddenly the skin on Shigirakis chest started to rip. As he screamed.

Kenji: I also decreased the elasticity of your skin and made it 10 times more sensitive. It should add more pain to your already dry skin.

His skin regenerated and ripped again. Kenji walked up towards him. Kenji then made two small concrete marbles the size or eyes. He then used two claws and plunged them into Shigirakis eyes. Replacing them with the concrete marbles. Shigiraki wailed in pain

Kenji: There are 5 senses. Sensory deprivation is supposed to drive someone insane. While I wonder if it would work on someone that is already insane, I'm putting a bit of a twist on this. What if your only sense was touch and all you felt was pain? So i'll have to remove the other four senses. On my hand I currently have sight.

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