Ch 48 - Training For Failiure

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Kenji: I think I'm going to act a little more god like.

Kenji had recently had an epiphany. During his extended waiting for his next move he decided to enjoy his library a bit. Watching many anime and reading manga that he hadn't finished before he died. Though this hurt him. Akame ga kill being the main cause of this epiphany. Though Kenji didn't want to admit it, many tears were shed after watching basically the whole cast of characters die. Especially his favourite Esdeath. Words such as, "she only wanted love," and "she didn't deserve to die like that" were cried in his library.

Then Kenji realised. He could save them all, not only the people in Akame ga Kill, but in everything else. He could prevent so many unnecessary deaths. This is what he meant in becoming more like a god. He could wipe out worlds of bad people and save worlds of people that didn't deserve to die. So he promised him self he wouldn't be merciful to evil. Not unless it had a good reason he deemed right. Or if he just liked the character. He would become Judge, Jury and Executioner.

*Knock Knock Knock.*

Kenji: Come in!

Kenji was laying in his bed which he seemed to do often. Life was too boring. If this was him before he had died he would be loving it. Visiting all of Japan, fanning out about being in an anime, but that was kinda dwarfed by the more exciting universe he entered first.

Issei: You should really decorate the room.

Kenji: I don't have a lot to decorate it with. Besides what do you want? I doubt you would sacrifice happy time to visit me.

Issei rubbed the back of his head. It looked as if he was nervous in what he was about to say.

Issei: Well you see, there was a situation that Rias is in and to stop it I need to be stronger. So while everyone trains deep in the mountains together I asked if you could join and she said I could ask you if you wanted to sooo. Will you help me and everyone get stronger.

Kenji: {Bingo.} I'll come. But only to make you stronger. But what I'm going to do to you is going to be the most painful thing in your life. Do you think you will be able to handle it.

Issei steeled his resolve.

Issei: I'm ready for anything to help Rias.

Kenji: Good. Give me a date and place and I'll be there.

Issei quickly took a piece of paper out of his pocket and placed it on a desk.

Issei: Thank you. This means a lot.

Issei quickly left.

Kenji: {Tick. I don't think I've had a plan go smoother.}

Scene change

Kenji was Spacial hopping through Kuoh and up a mountain trying to find this in the middle of nowhere place. Then Kenji heard.

???: SHIT!

Kenji: Was that Issei?

Kenji Spacial Hopped in the direction of the noise and found the place he needed to be. A large building in the middle of the mountains. Unless there were two of these, Kenji was fairly confident he was in the right place.

Rias: Kenji your here. Thank you for accepting Issei's request. You will be great help in training his scared gear.

Kenji: The twice critical needs training? {Though I don't plan on training him.}

Rias: Oh Issei didn't tell you? During his sleep he saw a dragon which spoke to him, the next morning he told me and showed me his scared gear. The scared gear is actually of the Longinus class, The Red Dragon Emperor Gantlet.

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