Ch 61 - Can't Get Some Love (Lemon)

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Everyone was in the lounge area besides four people. Two of those were Mina and Kenji who were in his room.

Kenji: So about before. I'm sorry about hurting your feelings about the world I went to. I promise I didn't do anything there.

Mina: I believe you. But I also know that you're going to have to go to some places that can be more... perverted than here. But right now I don't care.

Mina hands traveled to her boob and pussy. When Kenji looked closely he could see she was soaking wet. Her body was emanated a smell. While only Kenji could smell it with his enhanced senses it turned him on a lot. He had been on edge ever since that night and now both of them looked like wild animals ready to pounce on each other.

Mina: I need you Kenji. Ever since last night I haven't been able to concentrate. All my thoughts have been about you. I need it. I don't think I could go another day without it. What you did to me. I don't think I can hold myself together much longer.

Minas said fingers digging inside of her hero costume as she moved them faster and faster.

Kenji: Mina. After last night I also can't go a minute without thinking about you. You left me so on edge that I could hardly sleep. Mina right now I couldn't care about anything but you.

Mina and Kenji stared into each others eyes as the world around them blurred. Mina then took the first move and jumped onto Kenji. Kenji caught her and they both began to invade each others mouths. Kenji slowly sat down as he lied back. Mina was on top of him as they continue to make out. Mina removed his trousers as Kenji extended one claw to cut a hole in her costume.

Mina positioned herself above Kenji.

Mina: Are you ready Kenji? Because once I start I won't stop until I've had enough.

Kenji smiled a devilish grin.

Kenji: It me who won't be stoppi...

*Knock knock knock.*


Mina looked at Kenji and saw his frustration.

Mina: We could just cont...

*Knock knock knock*

Mina: They'll probably lea...

*Bang bang bang*

Mina looked at Kenji and saw his frustration.

Kenji: I'll be quick.

Mina sighed and got off so he could see who was at the door. Mina then hid behind the closet and waited.

Kenji got up and put his trousers back on. Opening the door. At the door was Bakugou and Izuku.

Kenji: What do you two want? I'm kinda busy.

Bakugou: Come outside to Training Ground Beta.

Kenji: And you Izuku?

Izuku: I'm the same.

Kenji: Well I can't.

Izuku: Me and Kacchan won't leave until you do.

Kenji: {I should just kill them... Nah there's nothing else. I'll just kill them. Cold blood. It would be the first time I've killed some.}

His claws revealed themselves until he heard Mina.

Mina: Psst. Kenji.

Kenji quickly closed the door as knocking continued.

Mina: Just be quick with what they want and come back. I don't think I can hold on much longer. I may start and finish without you.

Kenji nodded as he opened the door and shut it behind him. Grabbing the shoulders of both Bakugou and Izuku and teleporting to Beta ground.

Scene change

When they appeared at the Beta ground, large buildings that surrounded them Kenji took his hands off their shoulders and placed them in his pockets.

Kenji: Now what do you want and make it quick?


Bakugou jumped forward and upwards blasting Kenji straight into the face. The smoke settled and Kenji remained unfazed.

Izuku: Kachan we were supposed to tell him before we started.

Bakugou: *Psh* Fine nerd. Hurry up and tell him so I can beat his ass and then destroy you.

Izuku took a step forward towards Kenji who as of yet hadn't yet made a single move or reaction.

Izuku: So... erm... Kenji. Bakugou knows.

Kenji: He knows? Everything?

Izuku: Yeah... I'm sorry. Your secret kinda spilled out when he confronted me and then he told me that he would defeat you first before fighting me and I everything spiralled I said that we shouldn't fight and it would get us anywhere and then he said that if you had All Mights quirk and your power you could take the...

Kenji: Ok ok ok, jeez, I understand just stop taking. Take a breath when talking. You'll turn into a Smurf otherwise.

Izuku: Smur...

Kenji: Zip it.

Izuku silenced himself.

Bakugou: So are you ready to fight yet you overgrown lizard.

It was then that Kenji developed something. While Kenji never cared for anything Bakugou said. This thing made him particularly annoyed. Like it chipped a bit at his pride. Kenji accidentally extended his claws piercing his skin. His wings stretched out far and his sharp teeth grated together.

Bakugou: Finally the lizards ready.

Bakugou got ready to charge, but what he didn't know was he had just chipped a bit more at the pride within Kenji. That second chip was the one to send Kenji over the edge.

Kenji: You know what? I am. So both of you get ready.

Izuku: Wh...


The noise was loud and as Izuku turned around he saw Kenji behind him. He looked further and saw a hole in a building. What Izuku didn't see was Bakugou. Bakugou was no longer where he previously stood.

Kenji: Where do you think you're looking at?

Izuku sent a backwards heel spin kick behind him and felt the impact. At 30% One for All he was confident he would have done some damage. But when he looked. His heel had landed on Kenji. His temple to be specific but Kenji again was completely unfazed.

Kenji: Punch me Izuku.

Kenji made the most terrifying toothy smile with a hint of bloodlust. His sharp teeth showing. Izuku remembered when Kenji initially copied the quirk. He remembered when he punched him back then. He actually made him step back. But this unnerving feeling loomed over Izuku. Like he was staring into the abyss and couldn't even fathom the power gap in between them.


At 45% One for All you would have thought that Izuku would have hoped for some damage. However, you could not be more wrong. Instead Izuku felt true dread. He started to find it hard to breathe.

Izuku: The... air... did it... get thinner.

Izuku could barely look up as he saw his punch did nothing. Kenji didn't step back, he didn't flinch. Not even a blink. Kenji didn't feel the punch. Kenji stared down and didn't see Izuku. He saw a puppy. He wondered if he deserved this. Bakugou was the one that hurt his pride. But they both took him away from his time with Mina.

Kenji: Do you feel it?

Kenji grabbed Izuku by the collar and lifted him.

Kenji: The gap in our power.

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