Ch 40 - The Passionate Love (Lemons)

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Kenji and Mina were passionately making out as Kenji had his hands on Minas ass. Groping it and squeezing it softly as Mina straddled him. One of Minas hands slowly moved from the bed and onto Kenji. Slowly caressing his chest. Mina then used her acid and melted off what was left of his top, while enjoying the pleasure of his lips. She felt small scales as she caressed his chest, slowly rubbing the nice smooth texture. Mina then slowly parted the kiss when the rest of his top melted. Mina took of her shirt and turned around.

Kenji: {Ok. I can do this. I've fought villains and powerful heroes. This this isn't nothing can't handle.}

Kenji began slowly kissing down Minas neck as he undid the clip of her bra. The quiet moans coming from Mina caused Kenji to try harder, leaving small marks on her neck and having Mina moan louder. After a small bit of effort Kenji undid the clip and the bra fell off.

Kenji: {I DID IT!! So much for being hard to take off! I HAVE THE JOEY TRIBBIANI TOUCH!}

Mina turned around. Her face having a small blush as she looked away. Not quite being able to look Kenji in the eyes being too embarrassed. Kenji however looked mesmerised by Minas pink body. Her small pink nipples with her lighter pink areola hypnotised him. Mina slowly looked Kenji in the eyes and saw that he was only staring.

Mina: D... Do you like them?

Kenji could only nod at the question completely unaware of everything else in the room.

Mina: Do you want to touch them?

Kenji again nodded as if his mouth was wired open in one small gape.

Mina: Then you can touch. But please be gentle.

Kenji then reached out his left hand and slowly grabbed Minas soft breast. Her round 31C breasts had a soft but firm feeling in his hand and upon this feeling Kenji couldn't help but feel more. Using both of his hand Kenji pleasured Mina. Playing with her nipples carefully. Mina looking off to the side, moaning from Kenji and his delicate touch.

Mina: For such *Ahhh* a strong person you are such a gentle lover.

Kenji: Our first time together should be special. So I wouldn't want to be rough with you.

Kenji then got up close to Minas left ear. Slowly whispering.

Kenji: Not unless you want me to.

Mina felt something change deep within her. Hearing Kenji close to her, with such a dominate tone while pleasuring her made her feel amazing. She had never felt anything like this before. It was completely unlike the physical pleasure she was receiving. It was like her mind was getting directly pleasured. Mina slowly gulped before saying her next words.

Mina: Y... Yes.


Kenji again slowly whispered in her ear.

Kenji: Say that for me one more time.

Mina: Please be rough with me. Please make my first time rough.

Kenji then held Mina and flipped her over onto her back. Kenji on top, both of his hands either side of her.

Kenji: Know that's a good girl.

Kenji saw Minas blush get darker and took that as a good sign, celebrating internally about how well he was getting through this. But he too was also enjoying this.

Kenji then took it one step further by pulling down Minas white skirt revealing a purple thong underneath.

Kenji: Oh?

Mina could do nothing but blush. The feeling of having no control was a new and enjoyable pleasure to her. Kenji took the progressively brightening blush as a sign to go further. Kenji slowly got one finger then two and rubbed it on the place where he knew she would get the most pleasure. He started gentle, getting small moans from Mina then Kenji got progressively faster and faster. The moans coming from Mina getting loader and loader.

Something inside Kenji also changed. As he looked at Mina enjoying the pleasure he gave her, Kenji enjoyed being the one in control. He enjoyed being the one in power. Making her blush, being on top for some reason he couldn't get enough. The pace of which he moved his fingers got faster and faster. So fast that small silver sparks started to coming from his fingers unconsciously.

Mina: K...Kenji. I'm... I'm gonna.

Kenji looked at Minas face and then back to his fingers and saw the sparks but by the time truly acknowledged the what he was doing he couldn't stop it and was too late. Mina arched her back and let out a long withheld dam.

Mina: CUMMING!!!

Mina completely soaked his hand, the bed, the sheets and some of the floor. She then fell back onto the bed and started to twitch.

Mr Ashido: Mina was that you?

Kenji: {FUCK!}

Kenji looked back at Mina and she seemed completely out of it. KO'ed from pleasure. Kenji could hear two sets of footsteps coming up. Kenji began to panic. He quickly turned the blanket around and covered Mina. He kicked what was left of his shirt under the bed. Hiding Minas shirt, skirt and bra under the blanket.

The door then opened and Kenji stepped on the wet patch Mina made on the floor. Just to cover it.

Mrs Ashido: Oh Kenji your here again. What are you doing here?

Kenji: Oh I was just here with Mina who was feeling very tired all of a sudden.

Mrs Ashido looked and saw Mina.

Mrs Ashido: Oh. Well come down then and have lunch with us. You must be terribly hungry.

Kenji looked at Mrs Ashido. He didn't know why they were so chill about him just being in Minas room. Especially after the fight he was just in. But if it could hide this he'd had no choice. So he had to accept.

Mr Ashido: Where is your top?

Kenji: Well it was very ripped and just tore apart, when I teleported back here.

Mr Ashido looked around the room but didn't see anything out of the usual besides Mina. She was slightly moving around. But he dismissed any worries he had.

Kenji then went down stair with Minas parents to enjoy a really nice chicken sandwich. Mina came down half way through his meal. Wearing a really baggy top that covered her body. Though not without noticing her hard nipples poking though. Mina looked at Kenji with a wide grin. She walked down the rest of the stairs and sat next to Kenji. All had food before Minas parents saw Kenji off.

But Kenji was a bit off. Only known to Mina and Kenji. But Kenji was really horny and got no relief. Kenji had just got cock blocked by Minas parents. Mina slightly giggled at that thought as she went through her room and tried to clean everything up.

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