Ch 43 - Gaining Some Attention (1)

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School was exceedingly boring. But that's what you get when you go to one where heroes roam the halls and everyone around you has some sort of superpower. This made Kenji lose focus in class. During class admired the view of the world he was in. It's slight subtle difference. He noticed a difference in people, even if it was a bit everyone was slightly more perverted than Mha or his original world. People were also better looking in this world. Kenji couldn't tell this with Mha because of mutant quirks and other changes in human biology but here the average in looks were higher. At least for females it was. All of these small subtle changed fascinated Kenji. He wondered since all these people while fiction are real. What in their genome made them so different from other humans in other universes.

However, during his observations of the world Kenji began to notice that he was being watched. While experimenting with Infrared he noticed animals were watching him. If he closed his eyes and used infrared he could see multiple animals looking at him wherever he went. Some were even invisible to the naked eye. Kenji knew they were familiars of devils wondering who the new student was. But Kenji ignored them.

So instead of focusing on classes or on his stalkers. Kenji focused on making friends instead. His new friend Issei was actually pretty understandable. While they argued about what was better oppai or ass and if being a creep by watch girls was wrong. They could agree on most other things. Kenji thought it was weird that he had such a friendly relationship with Issei. When he watched DXD he saw Issei as nothing but a perv, but now talking to him. He knew. Issei wasn't a perv. Issei was a connoisseur. While he took it to the extremes he couldn't fault such refined tastes in women. Kenji may a have also realised he was a bit like Issei. But for totally different things.

Kenji was now just talking to Issei as he walked back home. Kenji had no home to go to but today he should be meeting someone. Someone fairly special.

???: Erm excuse me.

A small girl in comparison to Kenji tugged on the school shirt Issei was wearing.

Issei: Yes?

???: Are you Issei Hyoudou?

Issei: I am.

Kenji: {Dude stop looking at her boobs!}

???: Well I'm Yuuma Amano.

Yuuma then took a deep breath before shouting.

Yuuma: Please go out with me!

Issei looked at her, then at Kenji. Repeating this motion in complete disbelief.

Issei: Y... Yeah. Yeah ok! I'd love to go out with you!

Yuuma: Then a date this weekend?

Issei: That would be great.

Yuuma: Great. I'll see you back here then at 12.

Yuuma then walked away. Kenji used scanning again. In that moment Yuuma quickly turned around and her hand twitch. She looked directly at Kenji but slowly turned back around and walked away.

Kenji: {She sensed it? Hmmm. At least I know that besides mana which I can't sense I can see that she's physically stronger than any human. Though it won't be any trouble.} Issei! Stop looking at her ass and lets go!

Issei: I see what you mean when you say ass is better. There is something about it. Also. YOU WERE DOING IT TOO.

Kenji: No I wasn't. I'm not that type of person.

Issei: Yeah yeah keep telling yourself that. If your friends with me your that type of person.

Issei pointed at himself with a smile.

Kenji: I wasn't looking.

Issei: Neither was I then.

Kenji and Issei continued to walk back to his house. Kenji trying to defend his dignity as well as reinforce the plan he had made in his head.

Scene change

Yuuma was walking down a dark alley still in the same clothes she met Issei in. It had been some time since she met him. The sun was already set and the moon high in the sky.

Yuuma: That guy that was with Issei. Who was he. It felt like... It felt like he was undressing me with his eyes. Such a creep.

Kenji who was just above Yuuma standing on a roof of a building forming the alley was flailing in annoyance.


Kenji tried to calm down and just kept observing Yuuma as she transformed and flew onto the same ledge Kenji was now sitting on.

Yuuma: I really want to kill that other kid but I need to focus of Issei.

Yuuma took a deep breath in. Then out

Yuuma: Well, I should try and enjoy the night and kill something.

Yuuma started stretching. Kenji avoiding the feet she sent stretching near him. Kenji avoided all close calls he had while she was stretching. She then flew off.

After Kenji confirmed she left Kenji was suddenly visible and took a massive breath of air.

Kenji: Holy fuck. That was close. I nearly ruined everything because of her. Thank you Small Presence. Thank you Chameleon Camo. I completely underestimated your capabilities.

Kenji now just sat there on the ledge. Rethinking life choices. Trying to erase the memories of what he saw regarding Yuuma and her transformed. The close ups to her more. Private areas.

Kenji: Damn. This universe is so weird. I miss Mina.

Kenji then jumped from roof to roof while using Small Presence and Chameleon Camo, where he sat on the Issei's' roof. Using Overhaul he formed a small flat surface on the roof and tried to get some sleep.

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