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Indra- who is that girl?

Ren- which one Lord Indra?

Indra- the one with that blue yukata

Ren- oh her, she is Y/n Lord Indra, she is the daughter of L/N Kenjiro

Indra- hn

Ren- is there a problem Lord Indra?

Indra- no

(Ren nods and they both leave while you happily play with the little kids of the village. You are a very well known lady of your village. You were a girl who is known to be the ideal woman that every man would love to have. Your etiquette, your behaviour, your personality, your beauty everything about you was the talk of town. You were popular between men but still nobody would dare to come close to you since you were just too good and pure to be around. Your father was a landlord and your mother was a housewife. You would usually help your father with his work or your mother but other times you would play with the village kids more like babysit them)

Haru- Y/n did you heard that Lord Indra have caught liking to a girl from the village!

Y/N- oh is that so?

(You said putting the plucked flowers in the basket)

Haru- yeah! oh god I wonder who that lucky girl is? I have a feeling it's you!

Y/N- eh! me? no no there is no way that Lord Indra would caught a liking to me. I am just a mere village girl and he is the son of sage of sixpaths.

Haru- oh lord why do you keep underestimating yourself? you are literally the woman every man of the village wants to wife up!

Y/N- Haru! stop that's embarrassing

Haru- *sighs* okay fine! but don't you want to know who is the girl?

Y/N- ofcourse I want to know

Haru- hey are you shy? don't tell me you like Lord Indra!

Y/N- shhhh! Haru stop it! don't say it so loud!

Haru- oh my god! so you do like Lord Indra!?

Y/N- i- it's you- I just-

Haru- uhuh I get it Y/n

Y/N- stop it already!

(You hid your face with your palms embarrassed and taking the basket you ran from there. Haru laughs and she follows you too)

Haru- hey Y/n stop! *laughs*

(You didn't listen to her and kept running with a red face. Indra who was also present there, to find a chance to talk to you had listened to the whole conversation, now had a small smile on his face as he walked away from there)

???- you are not on the right path Indra


(You were getting ready since you got another marriage proposal. It was not a new thing for you to get marriage proposal and then the men just backing away. Whenever the men who would come with the proposal see you they would just deny since looking at your face would make them see you as a pure human who shouldn't be tainted. Your father was quite upset about this since you had all the abilities to be a housewife but your gentle aura would come in the way.
You were sitting in your room and were hoping that this time whoever came would just accept you to be his wife.)

Maid- Y/n-sama, master is calling you

Y/N- hai!

(You fixed your hair and kimono making your way to the meeting room)

Naruto x Reader || OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora