Goodbye -Shikamaru

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Y/N- you are so lazy Shikamaru!
Shikamaru- tell me something i don't know Y/N *sigh*
Y/N- *pout* i thought you were going to play with me!
Shikamaru- that is why i am here!
Y/N- thanks for coming so early as the sun is already going down!
Shikamaru- sorry Y/N i just overslept
Y/N- yeah yeah, let's play tomorrow okay! be on time and i should go home now otherwise mom is going to scold me...goodbye Shikamaru! *waves*
Shikamaru- bye Y/N...i'll be on time tomorrow!

few years later...

Shikamaru- but why Y/N?
Y/N- this isn't working Shikamaru i think we should breakup!
Shikamaru- Y/N is it because i am lazy? or i don't give you enough time? there has to be reason Y/N! you can't just leave me without telling me the reason
Y/N- i am sorry Shikamaru, i have to go!
Shikamaru- Y/N noooo...wait! please we can fix this, i'll do anything to get you back please Y/N!
Y/N- goodbye Shikamaru!

[Back To Present...]

Y/N- Shiko stop running! you will get hurt!
Shiko- kāsan i'll be fine!
(you knew she will be fine but you don't want to leave her on her own as you ran behind her and caught her)
Y/N- gotcha! now hold kāsan's hand and don't leave
Shiko- haaaai!
Guards- Y/N it's been a long time since you left! how are you doing?
Y/N- i am's the village doing?
Guards- everything is great and Naruto became Hokage!
Y/N- REALLY! i knew it! i'll see you later
(you said bowing to the guards as you walked to your house in the village where you used to live)
Shiko- kāsan it's our house?!
(you nodded looking at the little girl as her eyes were shining)
Shiko- yayyyyy! Shiko & kāsan have a house! b-but we will not move again right?
(you looked at your daughter who now had a sad expression on his face as you went near to her and took her in a hug)
Y/N- no Shiko! we won't move again...i promise & please forgive okāsan, because of me you can't make any friends!
Shiko- no it's okay kāsan, you did all this for me i know
Y/N- such a good girl...okay listen i have to visit the hokage so stay at home okay...don't open the door until it's me and-
Shiko- i know kāsan if somebody comes than i have to ask them the secret password
(you smiled patting her head as you got up and left the house to go to Hokage's office)

at the Hokage's office...

*knock* *knock*
Naruto- come in
Y/N- ohayo gozaimasu Hokage-sama
Naruto- Y/N!!! what? how? when? i-
Y/N- calm down Naruto...first of all congratulations you did it..i knew it fox boy! (you both laughed) and secondly i arrived today in the village
Naruto- thanks Y/N... but where were you all these years?
Y/N- consider it as a part of my training an-
Shikamaru- Naruto we received-
(you turned as you saw Shikamaru entering the room speaking but he stopped as he saw you standing there)
Shikamaru- Y/N...
Y/N- um...Na- Hokage-sama as i was saying i would like to work as a part of Konoha's Medical team if you dont mind.
Naruto- y-yeah sure Y/N...i'll ask Sakura to meet you and show you & explain all the work
Y/N- arigato gozaimasu...i'll take my leave now
(you said leaving as you walked past by Shikamaru, you wanted to hug him like the old times but you stopped yourself and went straight to your home)

at your house...

Y/N- SHIKO! i am back!
Shiko- kāsan...okaeri!
(she said as she ran towards you hugging your legs as you picked her up )
Y/N- Shiko wanna go and bring groceries for the house with okāsan?
Shiko- yes... also also can we get some ice-creams too!
Y/N- sure baby! let's go!
(you were now at the market buying groceries with your daughter as she was helping you carrying small bags which weren't that heavy. Walking you came across a book store and saw your daughter looking at it...she loved books so you knew what she wanted)
Y/N- Shiko let's go inside and take a look *smilee*
Shiko- really? yayy!
Y/N- stay nearby okay! and bring me the book you want
(you told as she nodded and ran around the book store walking like a child lost in a candyland. She was running without paying much attention when...)
Shiko- gomenasai!
(shiko said as she bumped into a man)
Shikamaru- oh...i am sor-
(he looked at the girl who looked so identical to him as the little girl looked at him. She had so many physical facial features similar to him)
Shiko- uncle are you okay? did Shiko hurt you?
Shikamaru- S-shiko? your name is Shiko?
Shiko- yes! kāsan said i look like tosān so she named me after him *giggles*
Shikamaru- who is your otosān ?
Shiko- i don't know...i never saw tosān, kāsan said she had to left him five years ago for me.
Shikamaru- 5 years! who is-
Y/N- Shiko! Shiko! oh my god i thought i lost you! i told you not to go far away...why don't you listen to okāsan ?
(you came running and hugged your daughter tightly)
Shiko- kāsa-n you are squ-squishing me
Y/N- eh...gomen Shiko...but you should have listened to kāsan
Shiko- i bumped into uncle and i was saying sorry to him
(you looked at the person which made your eyes go wide as you tried to stay calm, you got up and held Shiko's hand)
Y/N- i am sorry for my daughter bumping into you...let's go Shiko we are getting late
Shiko- but kāsan my book *pouts*
Y/N- some other day Shiko kāsan is tired hm
Shiko- okay kāsan! bye uncle!
Shikamaru- is that m-my daughter?
(he whispered questioning but you & Shiko were out of his sight)

Naruto x Reader || OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora