Next life-Kabuto

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[Kabuto's POV]

why do I feel so vulnerable whenever she is around? even if she isn't around just a thought of her makes me feel this weird feeling which is hard to explain. I am unable to properly focus on anything and it's effecting me for sure. She is a simple girl with extraordinary skills who works for Orochimaru-sama but she isn't just that atleast not for me. I just want to protect her, make her happy, see her smile, talk to her, listen to her more precisely love her. Her joining us made things easy but it made things hard for me but I don't hate it, I love her presence it's calming, soothing and acts as a therapy for me but is it a good thing that I am being too soft?

[Normal POV]

(He was sitting and thinking to himself silently when suddenly someone poked his forehead making him come out his thoughts)

Y/N- don't think too much you might get a headache *smile*

Kabuto- Y/n?

Y/N- yes it's me, here

Kabuto- what is this?

Y/N- food I got it on my way back here so eat deliciously

(you said handing him the food and went to meet your master in his lab. Kabuto looks at your leaving figure and then stares at the food you got him, he smiles lightly to himself when suddenly a snake passes by him making him drop his smile, he keeps the food aside and walks out of the room.

You are a student of Orochimaru. You have been training under his guidance since you were a little kid. When Kabuto came and joined you were sent to Konoha for some important work and came back around a year later and that's when you met Kabuto. He was a very work oriented guy and was a loyal disciple of Orochimaru, you being your friendly self became friends with him well he seemed uninterested in the friendship first but recently he has made progress. He seemed to like you more than just a friend or colleague but he won't ever disclose it to you. You always made a soft spot for yourself in others somehow and that is what was bothering him so much. He never thought that a random girl who is a colleague to him and a student of his master would make him feel so weird in a good way. He knew he has fallen for you but will he be able to confess or will he even accept that he actually started to love you?)


Y/N- Orochimaru-sama I got all the information you needed

Orochimaru- that issss what I expected from you

(you just give him a smile and then start to prepare things he is going to require for his next experiment. You saw Kabuto entering the room and gave him smile and surprising for you he returned the smile which was quite unlike of him. He walked towards Orochimaru to talk to him)

Kabuto- you called for me Orochimaru-sama

Orochimaru- yessss Kabuto, you have a new mission and Y/n issss going with you too

(Kabuto just nods and takes the mission scroll from him. He stares at your smiling and working figure and leaves his lab. He came back to his room and opened the scroll to read about the mission details which make his eyes go widen as a plate. He stares at the scroll clenching his jaw in anger but soon relaxes. After you helped Orochimaru with his experiment you went back to your room but on the way you saw Kabuto)

Y/N- do you need something from me Kabuto?

Kabuto- Orochimaru-sama said we both need to go on a mission today

Y/N- okay, i'll meet you in 10 minutes

(you said and went to your room leaving him to look at your disappearing figure. After around 10 minutes you came back and met him outside the base and left for the mission with him. It was already the time for the sun to go down just as the sky was slowly starting to get covered with the dark blanket. You both peacefully walked in the forest when suddenly you felt a kunai coming towards you. You dodged it successfully jumping back and taking your position to fight. You saw a figure attack you with multiple kunais and you just dodged it, you looked out for Kabuto but he wasn't anywhere near to your sight)

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