You Heal Me -Kakashi

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There she goes again without noticing me keeping an eye on her. Losing so many friends, comrades & people i loved made me overprotective of her. Why won't i be overprotective of her? she was the only one who didn't believed when everyone called me "The Friend Killer Kakashi" , she stood for me in the ANBU when everybody just called me "The Cold hearted Kakashi". I always tried to push her away but the more i pushed her away the more i felt her coming close to my heart. She never believed what people told her , she would always say ' he is not that type of person, he must have his reasons or circumstances that lead him to this type of behaviour. You never know what a person has gone through so don't try to judge him without knowing the full story '. I wish i could just run to her, take her in my embrace and tell her how much i love her but...what if someday i end up killing her or i failed to protect her? I don't want that to happen, i can live with a broken heart but not without the person who healed me. Lost in my thoughts i saw Y/N coming back with Kurenai as they sat down on the bench present near the tree i was hiding in.

Kurenai- Y/N you should get a boyfriend!

Y/N- eh! huh...why so sudden?

Kurenai- well look Y/N you are beautiful, kind, sweet and moreover why not? are you going to stay alone for the rest of your life? like girl c'mon get in a relationship, get married, have kids, get old with your partner...what's wrong in that?

Y/N- nothing is wrong in that it's just i-i don't know...i-i

Kurenai- you love Kakashi right?

Y/N- uh...i-no...i-i

(i was listening to their conversation as i saw Y/N's face turning red to the question Kurenai asked)

Kurenai- c'mon Y/N you know you can't hide anything from your bestfriend

Y/N- y-yeah i know and i do love Kakashi...but i think he doesn't have the same feelings towards me

(she said as her face showed sadness, i wish i could just tell you Y/N)

Kurenai- why do you think so?

Y/N- it's just whenever i try talking to Kakashi he just make up some kind of excuse and leave, even in our time together in ANBU he always tried to push me away...i know he has gone through alot which is making him unable to express himself but atleast he can talk to me even if it's just in a friendly way. One day i decided to tell him about my feelings but he just left me alone standing there telling he have some important work .

(her voice had a sad tone, i never wanted to make her sad instead i wanted to do the complete opposite that is make her happy but my stupid self have hurt her)

Kurenai- that jackass! i'll give that guy a good lesson on how to treat a girl

(she said standing up but Y/N held her wrist)

Y/N- Kurenai don't! let him have his time, if he doesn't have feelings for me i can't force him to have feelings for me and i can't just force him to speak up and open up to me if he doesn't want to.

(she said with a small smile)

Kurenai- Y/N how are you so nice and patient?

Y/N- i don't think so? *giggles*

(she looks so pretty with her smile, i wish i could be the reason for her smile but i end up hurting her more with just my actions)

Kurenai- yeah...also don't forget about our today's get together?

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