I missed you-Gaara

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"oh my god look it's the monster kid"
"he is a monster, stay away from him"
"he is going to kill us"
"run it's the monster"

???- stop calling him a monster, he is not a monster!

Man- get away from him you stupid girl, he will kill you

???- my name is Y/n not "stupid girl" and he will not kill me

Woman- what a nuisance let's just go or he will definitely kill us all along with that brat

Y/N- what a weird old lady...hey are you okay?

???- stay away from me i am a monster

Y/N- no you are not instead you are cute

???- i am cute?

Y/N- hehe yes! so would you like to be my friend?

???- friend?

Y/N- *nods* it doesn't matter even if you say no cause you are already my friend now!

??!- okay *blushes* i am Gaara

Y/N- cute name for a cute guy hehe, i am Y/n!

(you said giving your hand to the little red headed boy so he can stand up)

Y/N- your teddy bear is cute do you sleep with him?

(the little boy nods with a small smile)

Y/N- you both are so cute...let's meet here again tomorrow and play together

Gaara- okay

Y/N- i'll see you tomorrow Gaara!

Back to Present...

Y/N- finallyyyyyy~ this file is done!

Gaara- you did a great job Y/n

Y/N- thank you Kazekage-sama

Gaara- you don't have to call me that

Y/N- hehe i love teasing you Gaara i know you don't like it when i call you that

(you said giggling making the turquoise eyed boy blush)

Kankuro- Y/n heyyyy!

(Kankuro yelled entering the room and takes you in a big hug picking you up & spinning you around)

Y/N- oh my god Kankuro put me down i am feeling dizzy!

Kankuro- i am sorry it's just i got to see you after a long time

(he said putting you down making you chuckle)

Gaara- how was the meeting?

Kankuro- it went well & they are ready to cooperate

(Gaara nodded)

Kankuro- oi Y/n let's go and have lunch, i'll pay

Y/N- i am sorry but i am helping Gaara with the files so maybe some other day

Kankuro- aw man c'mon Gaara won't mind

Y/N- still i promised him so i am sorry~

Kankuro- okay fine we'll go some other day

(you smiled and Kankuro gave you a final hug before leaving)

Y/N- so which one is the next?

(you questioned looking at Gaara who had annoyed expression on his face)

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