Iruka x Reader

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||This is a requested part and I kinda made it related to the other Iruka oneshot titled "Cute- Iruka" but it can be read individually too||


Kakashi- so Y/n how does it feel to be the hokage?

Y/N- horrible

(you said signing another paper making Kakashi chuckle)

Y/N- why did they chose me to fill up the place why not you or Asuma or Gai?

Kakashi- well you were a student of Hiruzen-sama

Y/N- that's a lame reason to make me the hokage even if it's for a few days

Kakashi- it can't be that bad Y/n and you are Hatake Y/n, the former ANBU captain, a skilled Konoha kunoichi and little sister of the handsome Hatake Kakashi

Y/N- *eyeroll* seriously elder brother!? ughh! when will Naruto and Jiraiya-sama will come with the new hokage!

(you said putting a bundle of papers away and opening a new one while Kakashi just chuckled.
After the death of the 3rd hokage, to your dismay you were still selected to take the place of hokage until Naruto and Jiraiya returns with the new hokage.)

Iruka- hey love, how's everything going?

Y/N- ah finally! you are here!

(he walked to you taking you in a big hug, which was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Seeing Kakashi there Iruka blushes and takes a step back so that your brother won't kill him)

Y/N- elder brother! stop giving my lovely boyfriend death glares

(you said with a frown on your face making Kakashi sigh)

Kakashi- fine fine! I'll be back in a few okay so don't work too much and Iruka I know you are my friend but I still want to tell you this, look after my sister properly if anything happens to her you might invite your death

(Iruka gulped before nervously laughing and nodding, you just sighed at your brother's action before shoving him out of the room. You walked back to Iruka as he takes you in a big hug and sits both of you down on the nearby couch)

Iruka- tired?

Y/N- very much! all this paper work is too exhausting, even more exhausting than training for hours

Iruka- *chuckles* you should take a break than

(you nod as he pulls you closer to him while you sit on his lap, making yourself comfortable & wrapping your arms around him and soon doze off. He looks down at you only to find you sleeping like a little baby)

Iruka- so cute

(you and Iruka were in a relationship for about 3 years now. He was the most loving, caring, soft and supportive partner. He was super shy in the beginning but soon became comfortable. When the first time you both made love he had a nosebleed just by seeing you in your underwears but now he wasn't that shy but still would get nose bleeds once in a while when he sees you naked. Ever since you became hokage he was trying his best to look after you even more since you were overloaded with work but sometimes he was unable to do so after all he was a teacher himself and would often get busy with different matters. So moments like this when he visits you in the office and all were special to both of you. Even though you both lived together but all this hokage commotion didn't got you both enough time with each other.

You woke up to a blanket on you and Iruka was nowhere to be found. You did a lazy stretch and got back to work.


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