Never Let You Go -Hashirama

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Another beautiful and peaceful day in Konoha. The sun is shining bright, birds are chirping, a cool breeze is blowing, children are playing & adults going for their jobs.

Y/N- why do i have to clean the compound?
(you said whining cleaning the compound of your house)
Akari- cause you are the oldest and soon you have to get married and be an ideal housewife
(your younger sister said giggling)
Y/N- Akari shut up before i beat your ass with the broom!
Akari- fine onesān! *giggles*
(being the oldest sibling here you are suffering with chores. Although 2 of your siblings and parents had to go through the unfateful situation of death but that didn't stop you from achieving your goal of being a Kunoichi and a good sister to your now only sister Akari)
Y/N- Akari! i am going to buy some groceries you want to join or stay?
Akari- i'll join you!
(it was a holiday for you from your job so you decided to run your errands so that Akari doesn't have to suffer when you go to your job)
Akari- onesān can you please teach me more about medical ninjutsu after we reach home?
Y/N- why the sudden request?
Akari- well i saw mom teaching, training and telling you all about medical ninjutsu so i want to learn it too!
(you looked at your younger sister proudly and patted her head)
Y/N- sure i will!

Time skip....

Midori- Y/N senpai! you are required at the hospital
Y/N- why? what happened?
Midori- consider it as an emergency
Y/N- oh okay! Akari you can go home alone right? (she nodded) okay than go straight home with the groceries i'll be back soon! Let's go Midori-chan
(you and Midori started sprinting from rooftops to rooftops reaching the hospital)
Midori- this room Y/N senpai!
(you entered the room and saw the leader of the Senju Clan, the Hokage Hashirama Senju laid on the hospital bed, which made you confused but before you could ask Midori anything she yelled)
Midori- all the best Y/N senpai, please take good care of him!
(and she shut the door but little did you know that she locked the door, you just walked near to Hashirama's sleeping form)
Y/N- am i suppose to heal him? doesn't he have a great skill in medical ninjutsu? WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?MIDORI-CHAN
(you shouted panicking as you didn't know what you were supposed to, you ran to the door trying to open it but failed, suddenly you felt someone's presence behind you. You turned back and saw Hashirama standing there)
(you shouted scared seeing him stand behind you and you punched him hard)
Hashirama- owww! Y/N!
Y/N- i-i am so sorry Hashi- i- i mean Hokage-sama! i apologize for my b-behaviour, i s-should not have pun-punched y-you p-please forgive me!
(you said panicking and continuously bowing to him and he chuckles at your behaviour)
Hashirama- Y/N how many times do i have to tell you? you don't have to be so formal to me!
Y/N- i know that Hokage-sama but you are the Hokage and i work for you as a mere doctor so it isn't right for me to be informal to you
(you said with your head hunged low, you couldn't look into his eyes as his gaze makes you nervous. He was right, you both were childhood friends so you can be friendly with him but as you grew older you knew you like him more than just a friend so you started to distance yourself from him, you start avoiding him as much as possible but he always tried to find ways to talk to you by visiting the hospitals, visiting your house for some random stuff etc. You knew that he always saw you as a friend so to avoid your heart from breaking you decided to stay as far as possible for him, you even thought of leaving the village but you stayed for the sake of your sister.
He puts his hand on your chin making you face him. His gaze, his touch, his presence, everything about him makes you vulnerable, you feel like your heart is melting)
Hashirama- i don't know what i did wrong Y/N but i noticed you have been avoiding me for a long time now.
Y/N- it's not like that Hokage-sama i am just busy with Akari, her training and the hospital that's it!
(you said nervously, although you knew that he knows you are lying but you thought it might be worth giving a shot)
Hashirama- for god sake's Y/N stop calling me HOKAGE-SAMA! why are you not calling me Hashi like you always used to do? what's wrong? did i do something? you have been avoiding me for quite a long time now you think i am that dumb that i won't even notice? at first i thought maybe you are actually busy with hospital and Akari but it continued, you won't have coversations with me! you would always give stupid excuses to avoid me! like what is happening to you?
(he said holding your shoulders and slightly shaking you)
Y/N- YES I AM AVOIDING YOU CAUSE I DON'T WANT TO HURT MYSELF BY FALLING FOR YOU MORE EACH & EVERYDAY! I-i love you and i have been in love with you for a long time now and i know you like me as friend and to not ruin our friendship i de-decided to avoid you! i don't know why but whenever you are around i just become vulnerable and i hated that feeling, you just won't get out of my mind even though i tried to do everything possible to get you off my mind but failed miserably! so it's better if we stay the way we were and act like this coversation never took place!
(you spoke as you couldn't held your feelings anymore you got away from his grip and sprinted out of the window to avoid his response and decided to go to your secret & favourite spot where you and Hashirama met for the first time. It was a cherry blossom tree and the flowers were bloomed you sat under it trying to hold your tears. Suddenly you felt someone sitting beside you you knew who it was but you tried to ignore)
Hashirama- Y/N! (you didn't answer) Y/N! don't ignore me!
Y/N- Hashirama leave me alone!
Hashirama- no i won't!
Y/N- fine! i'll leave!
(you said standing up and were about to leave but he held your wrist and pulled you close to him as you body made contact with his chest)
Y/N- Ho-hokage-s-sama wha-
(you were cut by a pair of lips on yours as your eyes widened with shock, you didn't know what to do but soon melted in the kissed, he pulls your face closer to kiss you more deeply as you returned it gladly. Soon you both pulled away from the kiss, you now were a blushing mess & to not show your red face you buried your head in his chest)
Hashirama- *chuckles* you are so cute you know! (he said as he makes you face him) you know i have been trying to let you know that i feel the same towards you!
Y/N- w-what?
Hashirama- i still remember the first time i saw you, you were trying to catch the falling cherry blossoms, you looked so beautiful and fragile. I felt like my heart was melting at the sight of you, you seemed the most perfect girl to me and even now you are the most perfect girl to me Y/N! your (e/c) eyes bears the galaxy, your smile it just-just makes me happy...a sight of you makes my whole day and i would love to wake up to this sight everyday!
(you were shocked and at lack of words, you stared at him while he explains how much you mean to him)
Y/N- Hashi...
Hashirama- i love you Y/N! i want to make you mine forever... you were always there for me in the happy times and in the sad times you stood with me! when you avoided me i felt my whole world falling apart, i felt like i lost everything specially my love, my Y/N! but now i won't let you go away from me, so please get stuck with your Hashi forever! i know it might be early to get this far but you have known me since chilhood and no one understands and can tolerate me as much as will you be mine? will you be Mrs. Y/N Senju?

(he said pulling out a ring, as you looked at him with tears in your eyes)

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(he said pulling out a ring, as you looked at him with tears in your eyes)

(you said jumping into his arms as he chuckles & takes you in his embrace, breaking the hug he puts the ring on your finger and kisses your forehead)
Hashirama- i'll never let you go!
(he said kissing you as you kissed him back, a gush of wind blows and the cherry blossoms starts to flow with air making the scene ethereal and more romantic)


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