In love with you-Izuna

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(The Senjus and the Uchihas one of the well known rivals of the shinobi world were at it again. Both the clan leaders, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha who were good friends during their childhood days were fighting against each other along with their younger brothers Tobirama Senju and Izuna Uchiha respectively.

Izuna and Tobirama were fighting each with all there powers, Izuna was attacking while Tobirama was blocking and dodging with his counter attacks.)

Izuna- you filthy Senjus!

Tobirama- you Uchiha scum!

(they both kept throwing insults at each other while attacking at the same time. You were on the battle field too as a medic for the Senju, you were Tobirama & Hashirama's sister not real but adopted and met when you saved Tobirama from almost dying. Your clan was effected by the war between the Senjus and Uchihas and only few members survived who ran off to protect themselves you were a skilled medical ninja since both your parents were the clan's top doctors. Sadly they both were killed in the war while you ran away to protect yourself and that's when you found Tobirama, who was covered in blood and was breathing heavily you weren't sure if you should help him or not but remembering your parents' words "A doctor should always help the needy despite their gender, color, caste and status because to a doctor they are only patients" you decided to help him and saved his life. This came into the notice of Butsuma Senju who decided to take you in as his adoptive daughter so you could be a medic, because of which you became a younger sister to Tobirama and Hashirama. Despite your personal disinterest in the war and fights between the both clans you have to be present there. You absolutely hated how both the current clan leaders lost their other younger brothers and the bond they shared)

Y/N- please refrain yourself from going in the battle field and rest

Man- thank you Y/n-san, I'll keep that in mind

(you nod your head and help him to lay down, you decided to go outside of the tent and check if everything was alright or not. You made your way out, since you were almost on the battlefield you were able to see everything going on, you saw Tobirama and Izuna were fighting, hatred clearly visible in their eyes. You were having a feeling that Izuna might not make it out of the fight but you didn't wanted it to happen. Working with Hashirama and Madara gave you an image of Madara that he can go to any extent to take his revenge. You absolutely didn't wanted any one of them to die. You suddenly saw Tobirama flew away as Izuna kicked him, Izuna attacked with his fire style & Tobirana countered with his water style causing smoke to appear everywhere, you noticed Tobirama throwing kunais towards the smoke well knowing what he was going to do next)

Izuna- * a blind attack! I curse the misfortune of the ones who do not have the sharingan *

Tobirama- flying raijin slice!

(Tobirama said as his sword cuts through human flesh gaining Madara's attention, he runs to Izuna and notices Izuna standing there shocked while you were on your knees holding the wound as blood starts to spread through your yukata)

Hashirama- Y/n!

Tobirama- Y/N!!!

(you cough blood starting to slowly lose your conciousness and were about to fall forward but two strong arms stopped you. You slowly look at the person)

Y/N- Izuna-san daijōbudesuka? [are you okay?]

(he nods as you gave him a small smile)

Y/N- I am glad

(you whispered before you completely lose your conciousness. Tobirama and Hashirama runs to you & so does Madara)

Tobirama- Y/n! hey! c'mon wake up! why would you do such thing? Y/n!

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