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Izuna- i certainly don't feel any particular way about you, so don't ever get your hopes high

(you just kept your head lowered to him as he spoke and walks away. You had no idea why he certainly was so rude to you at times but you couldn't really expect much from an arrange marriage.

Uchiha Izuna, your husband and younger brother to Uchiha clan's current leader was married to you under a deal which only the clan leaders knew about. L/N was your clan which possessed the supernatural powers, Telekinesis. Your clan's power caught the interest of Madara and he made a deal with your father which would benefit both the clans and involved you marrying his younger brother. You did inherited your clan's powers & was the next heiress of your clan so it was a good way to bring more power to your clan by marrying the brother of the Uchiha clan's leader's younger brother. Even though you had the powers you weren't arrogant, you are a kind girl with a soft personality. You were always very respectful and soft spoken well known for your generous behaviour and gentle beauty. Your father loved you dearly but your stepmother hated you. She couldn't have a kid and for some reason she would blame you for that. Your real mom died due to an unknown disease while you were only 2 years old and your father was unable to look after you alone so he got married again. He didn't wanted another kid if it wasn't from your real mother and that's why your step mom started hating you since she thought that she was only there to look after you. She would always treat you badly behind your father's back, she would even beat you, drown you or lock you in a dark room when your father wasn't around. But despite all of this you never hated her.

Well today was your first day as Izuna's wife and seeing his behaviour you already started feeling guilty. You felt that it was your fault that he was in a bad mood although this was the very first time you met him. He made it clear that he would never have feelings for you or ever show affection like the way you want him to do. You didn't mind it since you already had suffered through this situation. Once he was gone you sat straight back up and looked towards the door)

Y/N- i will try to not get my hopes high Izuna-san


(it has been a month since your marriage with Izuna and during this time you both hardly talked to each other or say didn't talked at all. You didn't wanted to piss him off in anyway so you just did your duties as a housewife without speaking a word to him. He would just order you if he wanted anything to which you would just nod with a small smile on your face.)

Madara- Izuna you home?

(you heard Madara's voice coming from the front gate as you were hanging out the laundry. You heard some footsteps coming towards you and saw Madara making his was in the yard)

Y/N- konichiwa Madara-sama

Madara- oh Y/n, where is Izuna?

Y/N- he isn't currently at home, he will be back soon so please make yourself comfortable. I'll make you some tea

Madara- no need to take all the trouble, i'll be back in a few then

Y/N- there's no trouble in all this, its my duty so please care for a cup of tea till he is back. He would love to have you here *smile*

Madara- if you insist so much

(you and Madara both made your way inside the house. You quickly made him some tea along with some snacks and served it to him. You sat a few metres away from him as a matter of respect)

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