Blooming Flower-Hashirama

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(Here is a another beautiful day as i am walking on the streets of Konoha towards the Senju Compound to meet up with my grumpy bestfriend Tobirama Senju. Well yes, he is my bestfriend surprisingly i don't know how it all started but yes it did and here we are still stuck with each other. Well according to the villagers for my playful, kind, sweet personality and nature i should be best friends with his elder brother Hashirama Senju but as it's said opposites attract each other maybe that's why Tobirama is my bestfriend. I have met his elder brother and trust me everytime i see him i feel like my heart is going to burst. He is an absolute angel and handsome too! I have never seen such an attractive man with a great and kind personality as his and maybe that's why i fell for him. Wait ?! did i really fell for my bestfriend's brother oh no...! but to be honest how can i not fall for him he is...just...)
Tobirama- stop dreaming under full daylight Y/N!
Y/N- huh...uh...wait Tobirama...when did i reached here
(i looked around noticing i am inside the Senju compound and Tobirama was standing in front of me)
Tobirama- seriously Y/ were really daydreaming so deeply that you didn't even- ah forget it!
Y/N- are you going somewhere?
Tobirama- can tag along if you-
Tobirama- geez Y/N! you didn't have to shout, sometimes i really question myself why are you my bestfriend?
Y/N- it's cause you love me bestie!
(i said booping his nose as he scrunches it)
Tobirama- can't deny that! c'mon let's go (i nodded)


(You both were walking through the village as people greeted you and some children even got you flowers. You were pretty popular since you were the prettiest woman to exist in Konoha and also because of your friendly and sweet behaviour. You and Tobirama were walking silently when suddenly he asked you a question leaving you widen your eyes in shock)
Tobirama- Y/N you have a crush on my brother right?
Y/N- a-are you talking about! i-i don't
Tobirama- that was a bad lie Y/N
Y/N- w-what made you think t-that?
Tobirama- Y/N i know you since childhood and i have seen you turn red when elder brother is around
(he said bluntly although he was laughing on the inside)
Y/N- shut up Tobirama...i-it's nothing li-like that okay! you got the wrong idea
(you said as you started to run away from him as he calls your name but you just kept running and collided with somebody)
Y/N- ahh...ouch i am so sorry, i wasn't looking around! i am sorry
(you looked at the person stunned as you saw Hashirama in front of you who was holding your hand to prevent you from falling, you instantly pulled your hand back away and took a step backwards)
Hashirama- Y/N are you okay?
Y/N- ye-yeah yeah i-i am fine!
Hashirama- did you had a fight with Tobirama? won't be a surprise for me though*chuckles*
Y/N- you c-can say that
(you said nervously playing with your fingers, you felt your legs getting weak, you were blushing hard and to hide it you lowered your face, you suddenly felt his breath near your face as he bent down a little to look at you. It was the end point for you as you looked staright into his eyes making you so weak that you fainted as you heard him calling your name and everything blacked out)


Tobirama- what did you do brother?
Hashirama- i didn't to anything Tobi...she bumped into me and i asked her if she was okay and after a few minutes she just fainted!
Tobirma- oh god! are you this dumb brother you don't even ugh! leave it
(he said walking out of the room leaving Hashirama with your fainted figure. As Hashirama came and sat beside you looking at your face with a smile on his face)
Hashirama- i am not that dumb Tobi *chuckles*
(after sometime you started to move a bit and soon opened your eyes and sat right up & you felt someone holding your hand as you moved your head to look at the person. You were shocked as you saw Hashirama sleeping as he was holding your hand gently yet so tightly as if you will run away)
Y/N- Ha-Hashirama-san...
(you whisper lightly trying to wake him up  as you gently nudge his shoulders as he starts to wiggle and wakes up after a few seconds)
Hashirama- hm...oh Y/ are are you feeling now?
Y/N- i am okay...what happened to me?
Hashirama- well you fainted in the middle of the streets while talking to me
(your eyes widened at the statement as you felt embarrased while he just chuckles seeing you turn red in embarrassment)
Y/N- i-i am s-so sorry for the inconvenience i caused
Hashirama- it's okay Y/N as long as you are okay it's fine!
(you felt the heat rising in you cheeks at his statement)
Y/N- i-i th-ink i sh-sshould take my l-leave now
(you were about to stand up but you forgot that Hashirama was still holding your hands and pulling you back on the bed and he pulls your face with other hand and leans in for a kiss. Your eyes widened in shock as your lips made contact with his but you instantly gave in, your lips were moving in a sync with his just like a rhythm.
A slow yet passionate kiss full of love & nothing else, you felt yourself melting as he kisses you more deeply by pulling your face closer to his. Soon you both broke the kiss as you both struggled for oygen, you knew you were a blushing mess while he had a pinkinsh tint on his cheeks as he rubs the nape of neck with his free hand)
Hashirama- i know Y/N you have feelings for me and so do i! i have been in love with you for a long time now...i could have told you sooner but i thought you liked Tobirama since you two were closer but Tobirama told me you were just bestfriends and nothing else so i decided to tell you about it today but when i tried to you fainted, i thought it was my fault and i was scared that something might happen to you but luckily nothing happened...Y/N i am not really a romantic person but i can promise you, i will do anything just to make you mine and to see you smile like a blooming flower under sun light!
Y/N- Hashi- (you hugged him tackling him on the bed as he hugs you back and chuckles)
Hashirama- so is that a...yes?
(you moved away to look at him and rolled your eyes playfully)
Y/N- no it's's a BIG YESSSS!
(you said hugging him again as he grabs you by waist so you don't fall and he starts to give butterfly kisses on your face as you giggle)
Tobirama- ok first of all can you both atleast lock the door! and secondly ew!
(Tobirama said making a disgusting face and went away rolling his eyes as you and Hashirama both looked at him and then at each other and started laughing)
Y/N- i love you Hashirama
Hashirama- i love you more, my love!

few years later...

Y/N- i swear to god Hashirama if you are not going to stop spoiling them i'll beat your ass!
(you said standing in front your husband and two kids, who were covered in flour since they decided to play in the kitchen area even though you told them not to)
Hashirama- h-honey it's f-fine they are just ki-kids
Y/N- and you are a grown ass man! i am not saying that don't listen to their requests but atleast accept the right ones! now who is going to do the cleaning huh?
Hanako- Hanako, nīchan & tosān
(your daughter said with bright eyes as her little figure was covered in flour and she was playing with her hands, while your son and husband nodded agreeing with Hanako)
Y/N- i swear to god if you three weren't these cute and close to my heart i would have thrown you out of the house...anyways clean up before i come back!
All three of them- HAI! OKĀSAN!
(you chuckled and got out of the kitchen and hid behind the door keeping an eye on three of them)
Hashirama- ok kids since you both know you mom is scary when she angry so we better clean up! Hikaru bring the broom!
Hikaru- HAIII!
Hashirama- and Hana you will help otosān!
(you were giggling at their actions as you saw them cleaning up the space when someone tapped on your shoulder)
Tobirama- couldn't believe you are the same Y/N who fainted while talking to my brother *laughs*
Y/N- Tobirama you better shut up or-*cracks fingers*
Tobirama- *sweatdrops* geez woman calm down! by the way what are they doing?
Y/N- cleaning the mess they created
(he peeked inside the room as he saw Hashirama brooming, Hikaru throwing the flour in dustbin and Hanako brining a mop)
Tobirama- damn! you really are something Y/N
Y/N- i know
Tobirama- i should take my leave now give this to elder brother
(you nodded as he gave you the scroll and walked his way out of the house and you walked inside the kitchen)
Y/N- okay okay! enough go and get a shower you three i'll clean the rest!
Hikaru- okāsan we are sorry for creating the mess
Hananko- me is sorry too *pouts*
Hashirama- Y/N please forgive us
Y/N- *chuckles* i already go and take a shower
(you said as the kids ran outside the kitchen and Hashirama came closer to you and kisses you on the cheek)
Hashirama- thank you Y/N, i love you
Y/N- *blushes* i love you too, now go and take a shower
Hashirama- i still can make you blush huh my blooming flower!
(he said proudly looking at you with a smirk as you hit him and threw him out of the kitchen and he chuckles)


requested by- @dachippa87 💕

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