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||tw// contains abuse & harsh language, if you don't like it please skip this part||


Y/N- dad please hurts! ahhhh

Dad- you piece of shit, you broke my expensive bottle of wine and you want me to forgive you

(he said yet hitting you again with his leather belt everywhere, you screamed in pain and cried for him to stop but he didn't. Soon after beating & taking out his anger on you he left threatening you to buy him a new bottle of that alcohol. You sat there on ground with bruises all over your body some of them were bleeding really badly, you managed to got up and entered your bathroom to wash away the blood. You hissed in pain as soon as the water came in contact with your fresh wounds & cuts. You applied the antiseptic and wrapped your cuts with band-aids coming back to your room laying down on your bed crying your heart out.
This has become a daily routine for you ever since your mom died due to all the abuse your father did to her. He would often take out his anger on your mom when she was around but now he would do the same to you, a single mistake and a bunch of fresh wounds & bruises will be plastered on your body. You are a strong kunoichi if you wanted you could have killed your father in an instant but no matter what he was your father & the only family left to you.
You cried thinking & remembering the good old days when you had a happy family which was now ruined. You fell asleep crying your eyes out yet again)

next morning...

Kurenai- Y/n hey! wait up!

(you didn't answered her, lost in your thoughts you kept walking when suddenly you felt a stinging sensation on your back as Kurenai hits you slightly to gain your attention)

Kurenai- Y/n are you okay?

Y/N- oh Kurenai hey, i am fine *smiles*

Kurenai- going to train with your kids?

Y/N- haha yes but they aren't really my kids you know

Kurenai- oh stop Naruto literally calls you mom sensei

Y/N- well that's true, i want to stop him but he just too adorable you know with his cute cat like face

Kurenai- you really are going to a great mom someday

Y/N- you think so?

Kurenai- yeah ofcourse

(she said playfully rolling her eyes as you both laughed and parted your ways to go and meet up with your respective teams on the training grounds.
You entered the ground gaining instant attention from the adorable genins the blonde fox boy, the emo duckbutt Uchiha and the pink haired flower. Naruto instantly runs to you and engulfs you into a tight hug making you wince in pain as he accidentally grabs your fresh wounded areas, you try to hide it with a painful smile)

Naruto- good morning mom-sensei! did you had a great sleep?

Y/N- yes i did, did you?

(he nods as the other two genins come closer to you and gives you morning hugs)

Y/N- Sasuke, Sakura did you both slept well?

(they both nod making you smile, they all stand in front of you)

Y/N- hm Kakashi is late yet again *sigh* well did you all had your breakfast?

(they nod like obedient kids with a smile on their faces. You never really thought they would be this respectful and obedient towards you especially Sasuke, when you first joined the team he was a grumpy, emo boy who would do whatever he wants to ignoring your words but soon he grew fond of you, while Naruto was a complete ball of energy and sweetness, he started calling you mom-sensei after you started visiting him, making food for him, taking care of him & treating him like your own child)

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