Ryder walked in the door and noticed how clean the house was he loved having Rose back, he walked into the backyard. Olivia, her mother and Lily were all by the pool they were discussing the wedding and hair it sounded like to Ryder. Olivia smiled when she saw him and he sat beside her and pulled her in close. "Hi" Olivia said, "hi everything is set up for the venue the view is amazing" Ryder said. "Perfect, I can't believe we are getting married" Olivia said, "me either, I never thought I would ever find the perfect girl" Ryder said. "Blech keep it in your pants" Lily said, "your boyfriend is in the house Lily why not go and see him" Ryder said, "I might just do that" Lily said and Olivia rolled her eyes, Ryder gave her a look, "what?" she said, "I saw that" Ryder said. "What is your point mister it was not directed at you" Olivia said, "fine" Ryder said as Grace looked at him, "he has an issue with eye rolls" Olivia said, "she did that all the time as a kid it drove me nuts too" Grace said. "Let's not bring up my bad habits mom please" Olivia said, "why he should know what he is getting himself into" Grace said, "he knows enough" Olivia said, "Oh I am sure he would love to hear some stories" Grace said, "I would actually" Ryder said, Olivia rolled her eyes again, "you will pay for that later" Ryder whispered to her and she felt all tingly and wet all of a sudden.

"Well Ryder just be careful because when she gets her mind set on something she tends to go all out. I came home one day to her baking cookies she was 12 and the kitchen was a huge mess and the cookies were burnt. The fire department was there and I needed to replace the oven but Olivia well she had the tears and was scared she burnt the house down, the cookies were good even though they were burnt. She kept practicing and now her cookies are amazing, and if she keeps writing books like the one she wrote well who knows. I am so proud of you baby girl and the woman you have become, take care of her for me Ryder she deserves everything she is something special" Grace said. "I have every intention on giving her everything her heart desires. I love your daughter very much Grace and I promise she will get the best of both worlds with me" Ryder said. Olivia blushed as she kissed him, "that is all I ask" Grace said as she smiled at them both. Lily came back out with Parker by her side, "tell him" Parker said, "no you" Lily said. "You are the one who wants to know, this is all on you Lily" Parker said. "What is up Lily?" Ryder asked her, "um well I was hoping that instead of Olivia leaving the house tomorrow if you could" Lily said. "I am sorry what?" Ryder said, "it is bad luck to see the bride the morning of the wedding, and it only makes sense for her to get ready here. I mean all you have is a tux" Lily said. "First I don't believe in that superstitious stuff and second you can't just kick me out of my own house" Ryder said. "Love, I believe in it and she has a point" Olivia said, "you are kicking me out?" Ryder said looking at her all sad. "Tomorrow night yes but it will all be worth it when you see me" Olivia said. "Fine, but how are you getting to the garden?" Ryder asked her, "oh I was thinking of taking the Bugatti" Olivia said. Ryder's eyes widened and the look on his face made Olivia laugh. "I am kidding babe there is a limo I think isn't there?" Olivia said, "yes that car is mine" Ryder said, "yes I know you are very possessive over it" Olivia said giving him a look.

"Which one is the Bugatti?" Lily asked, "the black one that looks like a car batman would drive" Parker said. "Ah I see well it is a very nice car, I would be possessive of it too" Lily said, "that car cost more than this house so excuse me if I care" Ryder said. "I am not doubting you love but its just ridiculous" Olivia said. Ryder rolled his eyes at her and Olivia laughed and punched him in the arm. "Ow what was that?" Ryder said, "nothing" Olivia said but he laughed at her, he might hate it when she rolled her eyes but he was the one in charge. "How cute is Jackson" Lily said, "yeah he is cute" Olivia said, "so when are your babies coming?" Lily asked, Ryder choked a little on his drink. "Lily we aren't even married yet lets not push it" Olivia said, "it was just a question but given by Ryder's reaction I take it not anytime soon" Lily said. "Lily you really need to know when to keep things to yourself" Parker said. "What it was a real question" Lily said, "yes but you have a big mouth Lily you always have you have no filter" Olivia said. "Well excuse me for being honest sheesh" Lily said. Ryder downed the rest of his drink, "anyone need a refill?" Ryder said as he stood up. Ryder went to refill the drinks and he sighed he just in all honesty didn't know how a baby would affect their lives.

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