"Get yourself organized and then come find me I will go over your rules for tonight" Ryder said helping her stand. Olivia wanted so badly to just hold him and she took her chances as she pulled him towards her before he could walk away. Olivia kissed him hard and ran her hands up his back, "kitten" Ryder said but she stopped him, "shh" Olivia said kissing him again and pushing him onto the chair. Ryder grabbed her hands, "as much as I love this, you are getting greedy did I not give you enough orgasms?" Ryder said. "I miss you master" Olivia said, "well kitten I am here and rule breaking is not allowed you know that" Ryder said as he pulled her into the red room. Ryder grabbed the dragon whip, "why are you being punished kitten" Ryder asked, "I was greedy master" Olivia said. Ryder slapped her, "and?" Ryder said, "I didn't ask for permission to hold you master" Olivia said. Ryder hit her hard again and Olivia winced, he was getting more aggressive with his whips. She cried out with each hit she was able to get to 10, "RED" Olivia said. Ryder rubbed the cream on her butt, "I promise kitten we will have our entire honeymoon to cuddle. I love you and I need you to go get ready so I can get ready" Ryder said, "Master?" Olivia said, "yes kitten?" Ryder said, "do I get to give you rules for tonight to sir?" Olivia said, "no I will not do anything extreme, and I am the one in charge remember" Ryder said, "yes sir I remember I wish I could be with you instead" Olivia said. "We will be together again soon kitten" Ryder said kissing her. "I love you master so much" Olivia said, "I love you to my beautiful wife" Ryder said. "I can't wait sir" Olivia said, "me either come on" Ryder said as she went to their room to shower. Ryder also needed a shower and he climbed in behind her, "sir?" Olivia said, "don't you worry your pretty little butt" Ryder said as he started washing, Olivia kissed him as she washed her hair. "You are so sexy sir" Olivia said, "hmm you are something else my beautiful kitten" Ryder said.

Ryder and Olivia finished their shower and Olivia was doing her hair while Ryder dressed, "wow sir you look hot" Olivia said, "thanks kitten" Ryder said as he placed an outfit down on the counter, "I am grateful that outfit is not to revealing and there is a bra and underwear with it sir" Olivia said. Ryder laughed as he let her finish her hair, Olivia sighed she hoped there were no strippers for him tonight the way he was dressed woman would not be able to keep their hands off him. "Why are you staring at me like that?" Ryder said, "you look amazing and I worry that women won't be able to keep their hands off you sir" Olivia said. "I can assure you that no one will be putting their hands on me kitten, hurry up and get dressed then meet me downstairs" Ryder said. Olivia nodded as she finished her make up and dressed in the outfit Ryder set out for her. She made sure she looked perfect as she headed downstairs, "wow kitten you look amazing" Ryder said. "Thank you master" Olivia said, "alright are you ready for your rules?" Ryder said. "Yes sir" Olivia said, "you are not allowed to over do it on drinks, I don't need you passing out on me later. You will not leave Morgan's sight, that means she goes with you even to the bathroom kitten. I do not want you to touch anyone else nor do I want them touching you. If you need me call I will be there I promise, and most important rule kitten have fun" Ryder said. "Okay master and I have one rule for you" Olivia said, "Oh and what is that?" Ryder said, "Please don't let anyone touch you either sir" Olivia said, "Okay kitten I won't" Ryder said as Parker came up, "ready?" he said with a smile, "by the look on your face no" Ryder said, Parker laughed and Blake, Evan, Finn and Royce all joined him. Ryder kissed Olivia, "have fun kitten" Ryder said as he left with the guys they would be picking up Drew as well.

Olivia waited with Morgan as Lily was picking them up, "you okay?" Morgan asked, "yeah I am just worried about tonight" Olivia said. "Why?" Morgan said, "I have no idea what Lily has in store and honestly it scares me so I am just nervous" Olivia said. "I think you should have fun and not worry about the negative" Morgan said. "I will but I just worry what she has planned I never know with her" Olivia said as Morgan was told that Lily was at the gate. "Well girl she is here so are you ready?" Morgan said. "I guess so" Olivia said as they walked out of the house, "Olivia! you look fabulous I am so excited" Lily said. "Please tell me we are not doing anything dangerous or illegal" Olivia said. "Oh girl of course not but we are doing something super fun!" Lily said. Olivia rolled her eyes and was glad in this moment that Ryder was not here to see it, she climbed into the car.

Point of no Return Pleasing my master 2Where stories live. Discover now