We'll meet again

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Eventually the summer rolled around, and Gwen walked with him out of the examination centre for the final time of the year. She didn't even make it down the stairs before drooping to lay dramatically across the concrete.

"Ew," Peter complained, nudging her with his foot. "You definitely don't want to sit on that."

"I don't care," Gwen mumbled into her arms. "It's over, Peter. We survived. It's finally over."

"You make it sounds like we made it through a war or something."

"We did," Gwen grumbled, sitting up again. Other students walked around them, unquestioning. The joys of NYC.

"Harry said he'd treat us to donuts."

"I'm not sure I can bear to be around him. He's so...cheerful."

"He did finish two weeks ago."


"But we're done now too! And there will be donuts."

Gwen squinted up at him, then heaved a sigh and threw out a hand. Peter hauled her to her feet.

"I don't know how you can be so lively," she told him in an almost offended tone. "Where'd you get your energy? They can deal me in."

"Ha! I don't have energy. I ran out of enthusiasm an hour before the first paper, I've just gotten better at pretending with every exam."

Gwen nodded. "Seems legit."

"Did you just say 'legit'?"

"Sue me, Parker."

They made it to the base of the steps. Harry was waiting for them with a smile and hands full of greasy paper bags. "Figured you might not want to wait."

Peter gratefully took a donut and Harry handed Gwen a paper cup. She sniffed. "Is this coffee?"

"The way you like it," Harry confirmed.

Gwen took a deep gulp. "Osborne, I think I'm in love with you."

"Hey! What happened to 'I hate Harry he's too happy because he finished before us?'" Peter protested.

"He brought me coffee," Gwen explained.

"I could have brought you coffee," Peter pouted.

"He's just bitter he got demoted back to second best friend," Harry teased. Peter munched his donut with mock anger. "Anyway, congratulations! You're free for the summer!" They whooped and shared high-fives, fake argument forgotten.

"So, what are we going to do? A whole two months of liberty..."

"Oh, you guys won't have seen yet, but the MIT nerds messaged to say they were coming home tomorrow. They want to maybe meet up at the weekend?"

"Yes! It's been so long since we saw them, we absolutely need to do that."

"I don't know..." Peter tapped his chin. "I might not be free. With revision and everything... oh wait!" He cracked a grin again. "The war is over!"

"Too right it is!" Gwen cheered. "We should go to that cute place on the corner by the florist, the one with the colourful smoothies."

"Sounds great," Harry was already messaging the group. Peter stole another donut while he was distracted.

That Saturday Peter set his alarm early to prove a point, so that by the time Harry phoned to make sure he was out of bed, he was already nearing the smoothie place.

"Wakey wakey, Pete, time to-"

"Look up, Harry."

"What?" Further down the street, Harry glanced up to see Peter walking towards him, the smoothie place roughly halfway between them. "Oh. Wait, you're early?"

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