5+1 pockets

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Inspired by the #givespidermanpockets movement in the Partner chapter comments. Enjoy :D


Spider-Man did a flip over the heads of the people of Queens, prompting some cheers. He saluted down at them jokingly mid-swing, and saw a teen he didn't recognise waving at him. He let go of his web, twisted in mid air and dropped to the pavement in front of him.

"What can I do for you?"

The teen extended a sheet of paper. It was a high-quality close-up photo of him swinging.

"Oh." He patted himself as if he'd find a pen in his non-existent pockets. "Um, I don't have a pen."

"A pen? Oh, I don't want... no, it's for you. A gift."

"For me?" He blinked. "Oh."

The teen grinned awkwardly. "I drew it for my art project. You're a huge inspiration so I took a print of my final piece to give to you, to say thanks I guess."

"You drew this?" Peter brought the picture close to his face and noticed the lines that proved it wasn't actually a photo. "Wow. Thank you so much!"

"No problem," the guy said, and walked away. Spider-Man stood for a moment, still in awe. Then he realised he didn't have anywhere to put the paper. He'd have to swing his way back home one-handed so he could store it safely.

He was almost back when something shot at him and he had to change course suddenly to avoid it. He looked down to see one of his latest supervillains.

"I'm busy!" He yelled down, but she just shot at his web, causing him to come crashing down into the fight.

Somewhere in the midst of the battle, Peter lost the paper. He limped out of the area, villain securely webbed up, and found it torn and dirtied, lying on the ground. He picked up what was left and took it home.

It was ruined, but he framed it anyway.


Spider-Man was joining the Avengers on his first mission. They were in a quinjet on the way to a suspected biological weapon manufacturing facility. He sat in his place, trying not to fidget and answering questions from the other heroes.

A faint ringing could be heard. All of the Avengers pulled phones out of their pockets and checked them. The ringing continued. Peter sat ramrod-straight on his seat, not daring to move a muscle in case he offended somebody or made a fool of himself. The ringing stopped. Then started again.

"Spidey?" He looked up. "Is that your phone?"

He blinked, then cursed mentally. Of course it was his phone. He fumbled to unlatch his harness, then leaned down to pull off his boot and reach for his phone, which had stopped ringing again. He had three missed calls from Ned.

It began to ring again. This time May was calling. He looked apologetically at the Avengers and answered.


"Peter Parker, would you like to tell me where you are right now?"

"Um, I told you I'm spending the day with Ned. Didn't I?"

"Care to explain why Ned is on the doorstep asking if you'd like to come round, then?"

Peter swore in his head. "Um. Look, I, er..." The plane shuddered and landed, and everybody prepared to disembark. "I've got to go. I'll call you back later, love you, bye!" He ignored his aunt's shouts and hung up before jamming his boot back on and following the Avengers out of the jet.

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