Never meet your heroes

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Ever since he was a child, Peter Parker had wanted to be a superhero. Only when he was bitten by a spider and gained superpowers could he begin to realise this dream, however. It wasn't a glamorous lifestyle: he was perpetually tired, had awful attendance and got injured on a semi-regular basis, but he enjoyed it. He'd put together a sort-of costume consisting of a sharpie-decorated red hoodie with an oversized beanie (with eye holes) sewn into the hood which served as a mask to hide his identity. He'd made web-shooters out of scraps he found when dumpster diving and formulated web fluid in the back of his chemistry lessons. He became the Spider-Man.

As a sort-of hero, of course he looked up to the Avengers. Who wouldn't want to be like the great Captain America, the unbeatable Black Widow, the powerful Hulk and the mighty Thor? (okay Thor wasn't around all that often but still)

The point was, Peter looked up to them and had kind of hoped they would notice Spider-Man's efforts to keep the streets of their city safe. They didn't: he was just some kid in a hoodie, after all, but still. He'd hoped.

Then, one day his opportunity came in the form of a drone crashing at his feet. It started to get up, but Peter fastened it to the ground with webs. A second later, Captain America's shield slammed into it, detaching the drone's head from its body. Peter froze and stared in awe at the national treasure buried in metal and grease, within touching distance. Before he could even fully process this, Steve Rogers himself, leader of the Avengers, ran into view and tugged his shield free, barely pausing to glance at Peter.

"You alright, kid?" He was already jogging away. It took Peter a moment to tether his wits and close his gaping moth before he ran after the hero.

"Mr Captain America! I can help!"

"It's not safe, kid, go home," Captain Rogers called over his shoulder.

"No, wait, I'm a hero-"

"Cute, but this is real danger." The hero punched another drone that landed in front of him and slammed it into a wall with his shield, but it kept coming. Peter shot a web that stuck it to the wall after Captain America's next blow. That finally made the older hero stop and look at Peter properly.

"Sorry, who are you?" He asked, not sounding sorry at all.

"I'm Spider-Man," Peter said eagerly. There was no recognition in Steve's eyes at the name and Peter deflated slightly.

"Look kid, it's nice that you want to help but putting on a homemade mask doesn't make you a hero. I don't have time to worry about you getting in the way, so go home and stay put. Got it?"


Captain America was already gone.

"...I can help," Peter finished quietly, hanging his head. So much for meeting his hero.

The drone attached to the wall let out a mechanic whine, drawing Peter's attention. He studied it carefully.

It was one of Iron Man's drones, obviously. The infamous villain had been periodically attacking the city for years now with his death bots, although he'd only made a personal appearance less than five times. Peter was fascinated by the man's technology - he had to be a genius. Peter had based several essay/research projects on the mechanics required to create a robot you could actually pilot from the inside. He'd never seen a drone up close like this before, though.

It was humanoid, with basic limbs and a computer stored in its metal skull. Checking around himself for danger, Peter pulled open a panel on the side of the drone's head and manually turned it off before tugging it free of the webbing. Further examination had him pulling out a small chip containing all the 'brains' of the bot.

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