Not your normal field trip

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@iamlabdhi it's been a long time in the works but finally here's your 'not clique' field trip! Enjoy  :)

Mr Stark and Pepper were on a business trip to Europe or something, and Peter was in trouble. He tried to stem the bleeding with one hand as he swung towards the tower on instinct. FRIDAY opened a window for him, and he landed inside the Medbay.

"Welcome back Spider-Man," FRIDAY said. "Unfortunately Boss is not in presently, so I cannot alert him of your arrival."

"I know," Peter groaned, trying to think of an alternate solution through the fog of blood loss.

"Spider-Man?" Came a familiar voice. It was one of the doctors who often treated his wounds. Peter didn't even know his name.

"Hey, doc. Do me a favour?" He winced. The doctor rushed forwards, noticing the wounds. 

"Right this way. Cristina, get over here!" Three other doctors came running and soon Peter's wounds were all stitched up as usual, his suit in pieces where they'd cut it to get to them.

"My suit-" Spidey began, but the first doctor waved him off. 

"There's already an intern on the way, one of the ones that usually fixes it up."

"Wow. Thank you guys so much." Spider-Man ended up following the intern down to a lab so she could use more advanced equipment, and soon his suit was as good as new. "I don't know how to thank you - is there anything I can do in return? A favour or something?" 

"It's no probl-" The intern's phone buzzed, lighting up with two notifications:

Reminder: SI Tour (2 mins ago)

Text from 'Mum': Remember to get Dad's cake on your way home, he'll be home any second xoxo (now)

"Actually... There is something."

So that was how Spider-Man ended up swinging into the foyer of Stark Industries to lead a tour. He'd pulled on one of the oversized hoodies Tony left lying in his lab - spandex was great for swinging and fighting but a little too revealing if he was just walking around normally.

It was only when he saw the tour group waiting in the reception that Peter remembered the optional STEM field trip happening this Saturday for his class. Of course. This would certainly be interesting.

His classmates were already whispering and pointing as Spider-Man landed in the room, but their eyes went wide when he walked over to them.

"Hi," he said awkwardly, then reminded himself to put on some of his Spidey charm. "So I'm sorry to disappoint, but your tour guide couldn't make it and I owed her a favour so you're stuck with me for the day!" He squinted his eyes into upwards crescents to show his grin through the mask.

He was met with silence from the group. "Pinch me," somebody whispered. This was followed by a yelp. "Not that hard, idiot!"

"So, uh... I'm not actually that acquainted with the Tower so I'll just be following the signs," Peter laughed a little awkwardly. "You've already got guest badges, which is great. Thankfully, FRIDAY likes me. She's Tony Stark's AI by the way. Hey FRI, mind telling me the planned tour route for this group?"

"Of course. Sending it to Karen now."

"Thanks. So, anyone have any questions before we begin? Yes, you."

"Who's Karen?"

"Karen is my AI, built into my suit by Tony Stark."

"Can I have your autograph?"

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