I'm Not Your Toy (Little Chan)

Start from the beginning

Chan watched them leave, feeling more upset by the minute.

Why did no one want to play with him, or even stay with him in the room?

"Hyunjin you watch him.", Felix said.

"No, come on I just got here. I don't want to watch a little."

"We all just got here! None of us do.", Jeongin said.

"Well someone has to.", Seungmin said, "We can't leave him alone."

"Aish, so annoying! I guess I'll do it. But only for a little bit. Then someone else has to switch in. I have a meeting later."

Hyunjin went to sit by Chan while the other members ran off to their rooms.

Little Chan was in his own world, playing with his toys, and occasionally talking to Hyunjin.

At least someone talked to him and didn't completely ignore him.

But his relief was short lived, as the members continued to rotate between who was watching Chan.

They all seemed annoyed that they had to watch Chan, as if he was an inconvenience to them.

By the time Jeongin was watching him, Chan was no longer little.

He was just angry.

"Chan? Is something wrong? Why are you pouting?", Jeongin asked.

Chan turned to him.

"I should be asking you that? Do you even want to be watching me? I bet you have better things to do right?"


"Save it, Jeongin."

Chan stood up, taking his bag of action figures.

"I'm sorry that my need to have a safe place to relieve my stress is such an inconvenience for you all."

The leader went up to his room, slamming the door.

Minho magically appeared from the kitchen, going to Jeongin.

"I think he's mad."

"Oh no shit?"


A few days had went by.

It was revealed in the media that a scandal at JYP involving stolen money by a staff member, had started to effect the groups income.

But the Stray Kids members weren't worried about that anymore.

They were thinking about Chan.

He hadn't gone back into his headspace in around three days.

Everytime a member tried to talk to him about it, he ignored them.

Oh, How Cute! (SKZ Littlespace Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now