Rain Boy (Little Hyunjin)

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Little: Hyunjin

Caregiver: Changbin

Changbin POV

It's not often that we get time to do our regular strange activities.

Usually either Chan or Minho is watching us to make sure everything is okay.

But today it was just Hyunjin and myself.

The others were out doing whatever they wanted, spending the day together. But I wanted to stay with my baby.

The weather was supposed to be a little rough today, but we didn't mind. Hyunjin likes to play in the rain, and get mud a over me.

"Appa we go outside?", he asked.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes! So ready!"

"Hmm, do you have your rain boots?"

"Uh...no. I forgot boots appa."

"Well go get them while I get mine."

He ran back to his room to retrieve his boots as I put mine on, which were near the door.

I could see from the window that it was already raining a bit heavy. The sky was dark and gloomy.

But the happiness of my baby made everything so much brighter.

He came running back to me and jumped on my back.

"Let's go appa!"

"Okay baby! Let's go play!"

Opening the door I carried him outside.

He immediately jumped down and started running around the yard.

It almost looked like dancing, the way he smiled widely while twirling around in the slowly forming puddles.

"Play wit me appa!"

He started jumping in the puddles, so I joined him.

The two of us jumped around for a long time before he tripped and we both landed in straight water.

"Hehehehe! You hair wet appa!", Hyunjin laughed.

"Oh really...well yours is too!"

I flipped him over, making him splash down in the water.

He let out a yelp and began to splash rain water all over me.

I took this as a challenge and ran away, finding a mud puddle right inside the the gate to our house.

I picked up some as he stood up from the water and tossed it at him.

It hit him directly on his face.

"Ewwww! I get you appa!"

He ran towards the nearest mud pile and started tossing some at me.

It wasn't like the normal snowball fights from movies, mostly because it was raining instead of snowing. But Hyunjin was just as happy, and that's what mattered to me.

He hit me with a handful of mud, which now covered my hair.

"Now I have to get you!", I said.

I grabbed another handful of mud and ran towards him.

He ran away of course and I chased after him.

While we were running a car pulled up in front of the house.

Felix got out of the car, waved goodbye to the driver, and stood by the gate, watching us.

He saw me dump mud in Hyunjin's hair, which made him laugh.

That's when I noticed he was there.

"Oh hey angel, come in and join the fun?", I asked.

"Sure. Just let me get changed first."

Hyunjin ran up to Felix and wrapped him in a tight hug. The mud and water on his clothes got on Felix's clothes.

"So much for changing clothes. Come here!"

Now both Felix and I began to chase little Hyunjin around the yard.

I couldn't tell you how long we ran around out there. But after about thirty minutes of mud, rain, grass in Felix's shoes, we did decide to briefly go in and change clothes.

Now we were all together on the couch, drinking hot tea that Felix made.

"So what did you two do today?", he asked.

"Played in rain. Hyunjin made me Lego flowers. I still don't know where he got Legos from."

"Funny...Jeongin has been looking for his Lego flower set for days."

We both looked at Hyunjin.

He smiled back at us.


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