The Long Step Down 4

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Requested by: (I Honestly Forgot)

"Fuck you mean he's your dad?"

"Hyunjin. No cursing.", his dad said.

"You aren't allowed to speak."

"Hyunjin, I'm serious. That man is my dad."

"Is this why we never met Hyunjin's family? Because his dad knew Minho was also his son?", Chan asked.

Seungmin and Jeongin went in front of the camera.

"Oh, hello boys.", dad said.

"Dad?!", they said in unison.

They looked at each other.

"I'm sorry?", Jeongin said.

"No. No. I refuse."

"Dad please explain.", Hyunjin said.

"Yeah please explain.", Minho also said.

Mom sat down with the phone, propping it up so dad could speak. She looked just as confused as the boys.

"Hyunjin. I have made many mistakes in my life. Some of them...while with your mother."


"I cheated. Several times. Three to be exact. The product of those cheatings...we're Minho first. Then, I got multiple women pregnant within months of each other, which resulted in Seungmin and Jeongin."

The four boys looked at each other.

"We're brothers?", Jeongin asked.

"Yes. I'm sorry boys. I never expected something like this to occur. I never imagined all of my sons together in a kpop group."

"I'm going to commit arson.", Seungmin whispered to Jeongin, "On his house."

"No no, no violence."

"So I wondered where you were so many times because you were spending time with your other three families?", Hyunjin's mom asked.

"Honey, I am deeply sorry."

"Sorry? You had three sons outside of our relationship. You're a grandfather and it's not from Hyunjin. Think about that asshole."

His mom got up, leaving.

Dad hung up the phone.

Everyone looked at each other, including the four half-brothers.

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