Twin Flames (Little JiLix)

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Littles: Jisung and Felix
Caregiver: Chan
Requested by: anonymous person

"Come get your son.", Chan said.

"Chan it's been seven minutes. I haven't even left the driveway.", Minho responded.

"Minho please take him. My mental capacity is at negative 16."

"Chan it's only for a little while. I have to run some errands and Little Jisung does not like having to run errands with me."

Chan sighed, pretending to cry.

"Stop throwing a tantrum. I'll buy you extra snacks today."

"Okay good. Byeee."


Chan hung up.

Felix was playing with a collection of orbeez at the table.

Jisung was on the floor, having been tripped by Hyunjin's dog.

"Uncle Nini! Kkami made me fall!", Jisung yelled.

"You're fine.", Chan replied, helping him up.

Kkami barked at Jisung.

"I no like her Uncle Nini."

"Ah she's just playing Jisung."

Jisung pouted.

Kkami walked up and sniffed him, barking again. Jisung decided to chase her around.

Felix looked up from his orbeez, seeing Jisunf running around.

"Daddy? I play with Sungie?"

"Sure. Maybe you can calm him down because I can't."

Felix got up, going to find Jisung.

You see, Felix is a very well behaved little compared to his twin counterpart.

But that doesn't mean Jisung never has a bit of influence on Felix's behavior.

"Lixie! Come here!", Jisung said.

"Coming Sungie!"

Felix rounded to corner leading to the hallway behind the stairs.

Jisung was holding Kkami, who tried to lick him.

"Lixie! Want play game?", Jisung asked.

"What game?"

"Play with Puppy game!"

Felix smiled, agreeing to play with Kkami.

Jisung put her down, and made a barking noise at her.

She barked back. He then began to chase after her again, which Felix followed him in doing.

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