Little Fox That Could (Little Jeongin)

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Little: Jeongin
Caregiver: Seungmin
Requested by: munchkinbaby7

Jeongin was watching Thomas and Friends on TV when Seungmin came in.

He saw his baby laughing and talking back to the characters.

"Hey baby Innie, are you ready to go?"

Jeongin turned around to him.

"Okay daddy."

The little got down from the couch, stretching his legs and arms before running to Seungmin.

"Excited?", Seungmin asked.

"Yep! We go see trains!"

You see, if there is anything in this world Little Jeongin is obsessed with, it's trains.

Today, his caregiver was taking him to a train museum to see every type of train the little could wish for.

Seungmin helped the little put his shoes on, and they left the house.

It was a warm, sunny day. Perfect for a museum visit.

Jeongin climbed into the passenger seat of the car, sitting down and buckling up.

"Daddy, how many trains they have at the museum?"

"Oh they have lots. So many! More than I could count."

"That many?!"

"That many."


Seungmin drove off, headed towards his outing with Jeongin.

The drive was relatively quiet, except for Jeongin pointing out every single red light they stopped at, and how many cars passed them by as they did.

Eventually, when the boys reached the museum, the little took off inside, causing Seungmin to chase after his.

"Yah! Yang Jeongin! Slow down will ya?"

"Sorry daddy! But look at that train!"

Seungmin's eyes were directed upwards, where a train painted gold color was hung by extra strength ropes to the ceiling.

"It's pretty.", Jeongin said.

"And so are you. Come on, let's see some exhibits."

The pair began to walk through thw museum.

Jeongin stopped at one sculpture, that was a model of a train, but made out of bones.

"Did the train die daddy?"

"I don't think so. Trains don't have bones baby."

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