How It Pains Me (Little Hyunjin)

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Little: Hyunjin
Caregivers: SKZ
Requested by: herminebine

Hyunjin POV

They left me here all alone, those rude people.

Right now all of the members are working and I am here, by myself, watching Netflix because I have nothing better to do.

Or do I?

Am I forgetting something?

Great, now that's all I can think about.

Oh yeah, I forgot to take my medicine.

Now before you ask questions, it's not because I have some secret condition I'm hiding from the members.

It's hormones.

Why do I take them you ask?

Well, I, Hwang Hyunjin, was not born as the man I am today.

It wasn't until a few years ago that I began to change in the way I felt about myself.

But that isn't the main subject of today. My boredom is.

(3rd Person POV)

Hyunjin flipped through the Netflix catalogue with nothing in particular in mind.

All was going well when suddenly he felt an all to familiar pain in the lower part of his stomach.

"Oh hell no...not today please."

The pain struck again, and he dropped the remote.

"Ah's been a month already? Why, why must I deal with this?"

The pain started to get stronger as Hyunjin got up to go to the bathroom.

He went through the regular routine that he hated to do so much every single month.

Hopefully soon he wouldn't have to deal with it anymore, as his deepest desire was of course.

After he was done, he went back downstairs.

"Ow ow ow hurts so damn much."

He leaned over on the couch.

Cramps were always really bad at the start for him, and he almost every time didn't have any medicine for them until the next day.

Hyunjin closed his eyes, trying to block out the pain.

"Dada~~ help.", he said.

Of course, Hyunjin was alone.

He started to whine, his little self hating the pain even more.

Oh, How Cute! (SKZ Littlespace Oneshots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt