Tiny Dancer (Little Hyunjin)

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Little: Hyunjin

Caregivers: Felix and Changbin

Felix POV

No one told me that we would be practicing for eight hours today. I mean, a warning would have been nice.

Recently, after a meeting with Chan, Changbin, and Han, we decided that it would be good to add more subunit songs to our discography.

Naturally, my subunit was with the other two-thirds of Danceracha.

We had now been in the practice room for upwards of eight hours. I was hungry, tired, and agitated. We all were.

But Minho and I were nowhere near as frustrated as Hyunjin.

"Hyunjin it's okay, you did good.", Minho said.

"No, I didn't. I messed up on that part again! I have to do it over."

"You didn't mess up.", I said.

"My timing was off, my arm movement was weird, a-and I looked weird."

"Hyunjin it's okay, just breathe. You know you start stuttering when you get really mad.", Minho added.

"N-no I don't!"

Minho sat down next to his bag. Hyunjin still stood, looking at himself in the mirror.

"Guys, let's call it a day.", Minho said.

I agreed and started to stand up with my bag.

Hyunjin still stood where he was.

"Are you coming with us?", I asked.

He shook his head no and stayed staring at the mirror.

Reluctantly, I followed Minho from the room. Down the hall, I saw the studio doors open and our three producing boys come out.

"Hey guys, you just now leaving?", Chan asked.

"Yeah. Eight hours.", I said.

"Too long. You guys need rest you know. The comeback is months away.", Jisung replied.

"Where is Hyunjin?", Changbin asked.

Minho and I looked at each other.

"Staring at himself in the mirror like a sad puppy.", Minho said.

The three turned towards the practice studio. Music could be heard. The same song we had been practicing for eight whole hours, repeating itself again.

Changbin went towards the room.

Chan was about to follow him, but I stopped him.

"We got this.", I said.

"You sure? I know a determined Hyunjin can be a handful."

"A regular Hyunjin is a handful.", Jisung replied.

"I'll high-five to that.", said Minho.

I walked past them as the two high-fived before leaving with Chan.

Entering the practice room, things were already heated.

"No! I n-need to practice this!", Hyunjin yelled.

"You also need to take a break! You're hurting yourself more and more by pushing it like this.", Changbin replied.

"He's right Hyunjin, you're doing more harm than good."

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